  • 學位論文


Application of remote sensing on the turf management of bermudagrass

指導教授 : 張新軒
共同指導教授 : 楊棋明(Chi-Ming Yang)


本試驗利用百慕達草Tifway-419草坪為材料,探討不同肥料量及割刈頻度對其色素含量及遙測光譜的影響。另以紅外線熱影像儀監測草坪雜草,並以灰關聯分析氣候因子對草坪衛星遙測植生指數之影響。茲將其結果摘要如下: 1.百慕達草Tif-way 419 之葉綠素生合成相關色素,包括Chl a+b、total porphyrin、Chlide a+b、Phe a+b、含植醇及脫植醇色素含量,以及類胡蘿蔔素含量皆隨著氮肥用量增加而增多;在個別口比口林莫耳百分比的變化趨勢方面,受到氮肥用量的影響不明顯。Chl a可能經由Chl a→Chlide a→Pho a之崩解速率快於Chl b經由Chl b→Chlide b→Pho b的速率,導致Chl a/b比值隨著氮肥用量增加而下降 2.百慕達草Tifway 419之植冠反射光譜,在500-700 nm間之反射率都很低,最大反射率發生在近紅外光約750 nm以上之波段。近紅外光反射率隨著氮肥用量的增加而增高,而可見光區域之反射率則呈相反趨勢,隨著氮肥用量增加而下降。NDVI680、NDVI705及模擬衛星寬波段之NDVIbroad與三種色素Chl a、Chl b及Car含量間具有高相關性,其R2皆為0.7左右,p < 0.01。 3.台中國際高爾夫球場球道草坪之法國SPOT衛星遙測植生指數NDVI呈現季節性變化,全年介於0.1-0.5之間,在2、3月降至最低,春天4月後逐月增高,夏季8-9月達到最高峰,可達0.5左右,而後進入秋冬季而逐月下降。 4.依灰關聯分析顯示,五種氣候因子對結縷草及百慕達草Tifway 419衛星遙測NDVI之貢獻度為:平均氣溫>累積全天空輻射量>相對濕度>日照率>累積降雨量。日光相關因子之平均氣溫與累積全天空輻射量對結縷草及百慕達草Tifway 419衛星遙測NDVI之貢獻比相對濕度及累積降雨量二種水分相關因子都大。 5.紅外線熱影像於草坪雜草之監測結果,百慕達草Tifway 419之溫度明顯較高,與馬唐、香附子、雙穗雀稗及小馬唐等相差有3-4℃左右。另百慕達草Tifway 419與小馬唐之植冠反射光譜曲線亦有明顯的差異,小馬唐的植冠反射光譜在可見光及近紅外光區域之反射率皆高於百慕達草Tifway 419之反射率。


The object of this study was conducted to examine the content of pigments in the leaves and canopy reflectance spectrum of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) Tifway 419 with different nitrogen rate and mowing frequency. The thermo imaging technique was used to monitoring the weeds in turfgrass, and the grey theory was applied to analyze the effect of climate factors on the satellite remote sensing normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of turfgrass. The main results were summarized as follows: 1.The contents of chlorophyll (Chl), and its biosynthetic and degradative intermediates (total porphyrin; chlorophyllide, Chlide; pheophytin, Phe; phytylated and dephytylated pigments), and carotenoids in the leaves of bermudagrass Tifway 419 elevated with increasing nitrogen rate. The mole percent of three porphyrins (protoporphyrin, PPIX; magnesium protoporphyrin IX, MGPP; protochlorophyllide, Pchlide) were not obvious to be influenced by nitrogen rate. 2.The canopy reflectance spectra of bermudagrass Tifway 419 were measured. The reflectance between 400-700 nm was very low, while near-infrared (NIR) band above 750 nm was very high. The reflectance in the near-infrared spectra was increased with increasing nitrogen rate, but the reflectance in the visible spectra was decreased as nitrogen rate increases. NDVI680, NDVI705 and NDVIbroad calculated using broad-band reflectance were correlated well with the contents of Chl a, Chl b and Car (correlation R2 were all about 0.7, p<0.01). 3.The NDVI of SPOT remote sensing data for fairway turfgrass of Taichung International Golf Course were presented seasonal change. It was between 0.1-0.5 in the whole year. NDVI was the lowest in February and March, increased after April, and reached the highest 0.5 in August and September of summer, then decreased in autumn and winter season. 4.The grey system theory was applied to pinpoint the effect of five climate factors on the satellite remote sensing NDVI of zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) and bermudagrass Tifway 419. The contribution degrees of climate factors, indicated by grey order, to satellite remote sensing NDVI of zoysiagrass and bermudagrass Tifway 419 were: monthly mean temperature>daily cumulative irradiance>monthly mean relative humidity>daily insolation percentage>monthly cumulative precipitation. The data further suggest that sunlight-related factors (SRFs) play more important role in satellite remote sensing NDVI of zoysiagrass and bermudagrass Tifway 419 than water-related factors (WRFs). 5.The themography was used to monitoring the weeds in bermudagrass turf. The temperature of bermudagrass Tifway 419 was higher 3-4 °C than that of crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis L.), purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.), knotgrass (Paspalum distichum L.) and chinese crabgrass (Digitaria radicosa Presl.). The reflectance spectra in visible and near infrared of chinese crabgrass was higher than that of bermudagrass Tifway 419.


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