  • 學位論文


Research on Navigation and Harbor Organization Management Law System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱武獻


環觀國際,晚近各國莫不在政府改造方面積極努力,期能改變政府體質、增進國家競爭力、加強行政效能。依據瑞士國際發展管理學院(International Institute for Management Development,以下簡稱IMD)所作之「2006年全球競爭力排名顯示」,台灣在61個國家中排名第18,較去年下降7名,我國推動之政府改造運動,如何參考「企業型政府」(Entrepreneurial Government)的理念,借由學習企業經營管理的精神與技術,來改善政府效能突破困境,提升國家競爭力,是一個非常重要的議題。 台灣四面環海,海運為我國最重要之對外運輸方式,行政院交通部為因應政府改造需要依據「中央行政機關組織基準法」、「行政院組織法(草案)」等規定,檢討整併該部及所屬機關組織架構,遂擬具「交通及建設部組織調整規劃報告草案」,該草案業已函送行政院組織改造推動委員會審議中。依該規劃報告草案及交通部95年3月陳報行政院之「港務局設置條例」(草案),現有基隆、臺中、高雄及花蓮等4個港務局擬朝「行政法人化」方向規劃。 我國政府如何成功「改造」,應先具新思維、新策略,方能應付未來的挑戰。尤其在政府航港組織改造過程,本文之研究目的,即希望從政策面向與行政組織之法制面向,提供國內、外航港管理組織體制及行政法人問題之探討與比較分析,一方面則係針對我國航港組織管理改革相關研究中所忽略的法制規範層面,為研究對象,嘗試為我國航港組織管理體制尋找其業務劃分在我國政府改造之最適方向。以為釐清未來規劃交通及建設部之航港組織管理業務劃分及港務局行政法人化發展法制之規劃,俾提供未來政府為組織改造決策之參考。


Viewing the whole world recently, every country actively endeavors in the aspect of government reform, in order to alter the constitution of government, improve the competitiveness of nation, and strengthen the administration efficiency. According to “2006 Global Competitiveness Index” released by International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Taiwan was ranked 18th in 61 countries, which has moved down 7 notches from last year. As for the government reform movement of Taiwan, how to consult the concept of ”Entrepreneurial Government” to improve the efficiency of government and break through the dilemma as well as raise the competitiveness of nation through learning the spirit and skill of enterprise operation and management, it will be a very important topic. Taiwan is surrounded by sea. Marine transit is the most important foreign transportation way of Taiwan. In order to conduct government reform, review the merger of related institutions and authorities, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Executive Yuan proposed “Planning Report Draft for the Organizational Adjustment of Transportation and Construction Departments” based on the regulation stimulated in “Central Administration Authority Organization Base Law” and “Executive Yuan Organization Law (Draft)”. The said draft had been sent to the Organization Reform Promotion Committee of Executive Yuan for reviewing. According to said Planning Report Draft and “Harbor Affairs Bureau Setup Rules (Draft)” submitted to Executive Yuan by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in March 2006, the existing Keelung, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hwalian Harbor Affairs Bureaus will be planned toward “Administrative Legal Person”. How to “reform” the government successfully, it shall have new thought, new strategy to cope with future challenge, especially in the reform process of government’s navigation and harbor organization. The purpose of this study hopes to discuss, compare, and analyze the domestic and foreign navigation and harbor management organization as well as the Administrative Legal Person problem through the policy aspect and legal aspect of administrative organization. The legal aspect which is neglected in the reform is also the study topic, in order to find the optimal direction for the reform of navigation and harbor administrative organization in our country. The planning for the Administrative Legal Person regulation and the designation of navigation and harbor management business for future Transportation and Construction Department will be identified. It will be used as the reference for the organization reform of government in the future.


吳榮貴等,2006,《因應政府組織再造—航政機關與行政法人港務局組織間權責分工之研究》,中華民國, 交通部委託研究報告。


