  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Development of the Semiconductor Industry in Shanghai,1956-2006

指導教授 : 蕭全政


摘要 半導體產業的經濟價值與「吞金」特性,讓該產業從發展之際便與國家角色離不開關係。擁有龐大市場與人才優勢的中國雖然是技術落後者,卻無法小覷它在半導體產業的發展潛力。而上海已具備基礎設備等硬體優勢,以及優越的地理區位,加上過去曾有「主席故鄉」的光環,都讓其成為中國發展半導體產業的重點城市。不過,上海半導體產業的發展,無法脫離客觀層面的制約與影響。 本文以歷史結構論做為主要分析途徑,輔以田野調查資料,敘述上海半導體產業的來龍去脈。依據「半導體產業結構的改變」為分界標準,上海半導體產業可以分成三時期來探討,每一時期都受到國際結構和中央政府政策選擇的影響。國際政經環境的客觀條件,首先劃定中國半導體產業的發展路徑,同時指出上海經濟體所面臨的機遇與限制。其次,中國特殊的國內政經制度則說明上海最終選擇的路徑。 本文第一章為序論,說明本研究緣起、相關文獻的缺漏,與分析架構。自第二章開始,以三章篇幅分別論述上海半導體產業三階段的形塑過程。第二章以1956年—1978年自給自足式發軔期為主,第三章則從改革開放後的八○年代至九○年代前期,培植冠軍企業為一脈絡,而「18號文」發布至今的打造產業鏈,將於第四章作一整體論述。最後的第五章為結論,擬對上海的半導體產業做一回顧與評析,並試圖捕捉其發展前景。


Abstract The characters of the foundation stone for national economies and capital-intensity in semiconductor industry, it makes state play an important role in the initial stages of the development. China still benefits from enormous cost advantages and shows the greatest potential to become a major semiconductor power. Moreover, Shanghai has strong industrial infrastructure and location advantage, which historically have played a prominent city in supporting the national strategic industry. By adopting a historical perspective, this paper interprets the development of the semiconductor industry in Shanghai. Additionally, the interviews give us more flexibility and richer contextual information about the issues discussed. According to changes of semiconductor industry structure, the development of Shanghai semiconductor industry could be divided into three stages. However, international political and economic structures and domestic structural context both affect each phase of semiconductor industry in Shanghai. This paper contains five chapters. The first chapter discusses research incentives, literature review, and theoretical framework. The second, third and forth chapters are all drawn along a industrial structure dimension. Chapter Two gives an overview of some of the historical conditions under which China has established its electronics industry from 1956 to 1978. Chapter Three explains the central government began to promote the strategic position of Shanghai between 1978-1999.Chapter Four focuses on State Council Circular 18 issued by the central government after 2000.Chapter Five is the conclusion and discussion of future development of the semiconductor industry in Shanghai.


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