  • 學位論文


Computer Aided Platform and Visualized Treatment Planningin Orthodontics

指導教授 : 王兆麟


對於很多齒顎矯正醫師來說,使用電腦來輔助矯正,可說是非常不方便的事情,除了操作上需要重新學習外,有時利用電腦所需花的時間反而更長,而且使用的成效也與傳統的方式相差不多。因此本研究建立起一個電腦輔助齒顎矯正平台,能夠具備臨床矯正醫師所需用到的各項功能,也能夠擁有節省時間並增加操作的效率。除此之外,也針對電腦輔助治療計畫發展視覺化治療計畫的效果,希望能夠在矯正醫師完成治療計畫後,即時呈現視覺化的預測效果,協助醫師診斷以及治療。 本研究所開發的平台提供治療過程中所需使用的電腦輔助功能,並以介面設計的準則以及物件導向的方式設計平台,讓平台介面更好操作且具有擴充性以及替換性。而在視覺化治療計畫上則將其模型化,讓不同的治療計畫能達到視覺化的效果,並以Level Anchorage System (LAS)治療計畫為例建立起視覺化的效果,增加電腦輔助治療計畫在臨床上的實用性。藉著所開發的平台,能夠帶給齒顎矯正醫師更好的使用環境,擁有更快更好的治療過程。


Many computer aided software have been developed for use in orthodontics for years; however, the use of the computer itself is still an inconvenient task to many orthodontists. When planning the treatment, orthodontists sometimes need to spend more time in learning and operating the programs than in the traditional way. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a new computer aided platform in orthodontics that can save the user’s time and be easy-to-use. This research also aims to develop a generalized orthodontics model to visualize the treatment planning (also called visualized treatment objective, VTO) to increase practicality of the proposed computer aided platform. Orthodontists can see the visualized image immediately after finishing the treatment planning. This platform provides necessary functions for various orthodontics treatment processes. To save the user’s time and make the platform expandable and exchangeable, this platform applies the principles of the user interface design and object-oriented design. Besides that, this research uses Level Anchorage System (LAS) as an example of the treatment planning to demonstrate the model of visualized treatment objective. This research provides a better environment for computer aided orthodontics and more effective treatment planning performance through the use of the computer visualization technique.


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