  • 學位論文


The Key Success Factors on Internationalization of Construction Industry: Taking DL Engineering Corporation as an Example

指導教授 : 林修葳


台灣早期的營造業,因市場小、公營公司(榮工、中華、唐榮)可以議價、政府營建政策不明等因素,使私人廠商不願投資技術研發、人才培訓以及引用新進資訊作業系統,以致每逢小型工程就低價搶標,大型工程必須與國外廠商聯合承攬,至今仍無國際級之營造公司能在世界舞台上與日韓爭一席之地,殊為可惜。 最近,政府的公共建設支出逐年減少,加入WTO後營造市場的開放,營造業經營更加困難;面對如此內外在環境,營造業應立即轉型、提升競爭力,邁向國際化。 營造業因無法創造業務來源,經營範疇受到相當限制,轉型方向可朝垂直整合、多角化及國際化發展,本研究將僅侷限在國際化之關鍵因素上探討台灣營造業之發展。 提升競爭力也受限於營造產業特性。提升技術能力及營運績效是區隔惡性競爭的有效策略;營造競爭力分析,可先從台灣傳統營造業價值鏈切入,再探討企業如何轉型、擴大價值鏈範圍、積極研發、培養高附加價值人才,區隔市場減少惡性競爭、改善營運績效、提高獲利,最後進入跨國管理。 本論文以國內知名營造廠DL工程公司為對象,以台北捷運CD550標及台灣高鐵土木興建計畫兩項個案分析,依據價值鏈、競爭力、執行力、企業轉型、企業總體策略、工程統包、國際化等理論基礎,探討該公司在過去年60年來的艱苦轉型歷程,如今雖已實際進入國際工程市場競爭,卻面臨比工程技術更艱難的國際企業管理問題。 從案例公司的研究結果顯示,營造業國際化的成功策略,應採因地制宜的垂直整合及專業營造的策略聯盟,延攬高附加價值之國際工程業務管理人才帶動台灣外派台幹,提升合約管理層次,融合當地文化之管理模式,嚴格控管風險,參考日韓國際化經驗,是台灣營造業國際化之成功關鍵因素。


Taiwan’s private construction companies did not invest much in developing new technology, the human resource and information systems during 1950~1990, in response to the fact that the governments lack of solid strategy and regulationns to cultivate Taiwanese construction capability and capacity, as well as the fact that the major firms such as RSEA, BES and Tang Eng Corporation leveraged their state-run advantages in business negotiation. As a result, private companies survived at low-price and small scale business sector, whereas partnership with world-class company for large scale business, appears to be rarely observed opportunity to penetrate international market. The decreased budget of national infrastructure development year by year, and the domestic market fully opened after Taiwan’s joining WTO, Taiwan’s construction industry had experienced more challenges than before, therefore it may be essential for the firms to engage themselves for business transformation and capability re-engineering to reinforce core competition through the synergy of vertical integration, diversification and internationalizatuon. However, the continued technical capability upgrade and operational improvement are the business differentiators in competitive environment. The first step analysis of construction business of competitiveness is to understand the value chain of traditional construction industry in Taiwan, and then move to study what new business enterprises can enter, how to maximize the scope of value chain, what to do in R &D, talent development, the differentiators in vicious competition, so as to increase profitability through operational excellence, and eventually qualified by international market. This study explores the efforts and strategies DL Corp., one of the major construction firms, has taken in the past 60 years, on the basis of various management theories ,despite that DL Corp. is successfully doing global business, it encountered the management challenges of multi-national business which is more complicated than engineering difficulties. This study also indicates that effective strategies and factors of internationalization in construction industry include the leverage of local infrastructure for vertical integration, joint venture with local professionals, utilize overseas talents for business development, employ expats program to train Taiwan management capability in overseas business and execution, adoption to local management method and culture, risks management with discipline, also bench marking to Japanese and Korean peers.


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