  • 學位論文


The Impact of Employment Practices Change on Permanent Employees

指導教授 : 柯志哲


過去的二十多年間,無論是在西方工業國家或是亞洲新興工業國家,勞動者的工作生活都起了很大的變化。在面臨競爭壓力的情況下,企業組織為了增加彈性及提高生產力,進而在人力運用制度上有所改變,隨之而來的僱傭關係轉變也對工作者帶來不同層面的影響。本研究即針對組織內的正職員工,探討組織使用非典型工作者及進行裁員等兩項人力策略,對正職員工所帶來在組織情感性承諾、工作滿意度、知覺到的主管與員工關係及工作保障等面向的影響,企圖對 台灣工作者的工作生活有更進一步的認識。     研究結果發現組織使用非典型工作者的程度會使正職員工自認其被非典型工作者取代的可能性提高,然而在其他面向則無顯著影響;裁員幅度也會提高正職員工自認其被非典型工作者取代的可能性,對其知覺到的主管與員工關係則具有低度顯著的負面影響,在其他面向則無顯著影響。 本研究除了探討兩項人力措施對正職員工的直接影響之外,還進一步考慮組織使用非典型工作者的程度對裁員幅度的調節作用。研究結果發現,在加入交互作用項後,組織使用非典型工作者的程度會負向影響正職員工的工作滿意度及知覺到的主管與員工關係;裁員幅度則會負向影響正職員工的工作滿意度、知覺到的主管與員工關係,及正向影響擔心失去工作的程度。此外,組織使用非典型工作者的程度還能減緩裁員幅度對正職員工的工作滿意度、知覺到的主管與員工關係及擔心失去工作的程度之影響,顯示出在台灣職場中,非典型工作者對正職員工所帶來的影響不盡然是負面的。


Over the past two decades, employees have faced dramatic changes in working life in the western industrialized countries as well as in the newly developing countries in Asia. Under the pressure of competition, many organizations have changed their human resource practices in order to be more flexible and improve competitiveness, and thus have greatly affected its permanent employees. This article focuses on how do human resource practices (i.e. using nonstandard workers and layoff) influence permanent employees’ affective commitment, job satisfaction, perceptions of relations between managers and employees and perceived job security. This study finds that the extent of using nonstandard workers would positively affect permanent employees’ feelings of being replaced by nonstandard workers, but it did not have effects on other independent variables. The extent of layoff would also positively affect permanent employees’ feelings of being replaced by nonstandard workers, and negatively affect their perceptions of relations between managers and employees, though the effect was marginally significant. The extent of layoff did not have effects on other independent variables. The present study also considered the extent of using nonstandard workers as a moderator. According to the results of regression models with interaction term, this study finds that the extent of using nonstandard workers had a negative effect on permanent employees’ job satisfaction and the perceptions of relations between managers and employees. The extent of layoff had a negative effect on permanent employees’ job satisfaction and the perceptions of relations between managers and employees while it also had a positive effect on permanent employees’ worries about losing their jobs. Besides, the extent of using nonstandard workers would mitigate the effect of the extent of layoff on permanent employees’ job satisfaction, the perceptions of relations between managers and their worries about losing jobs. This result reveals that, in Taiwan, using nonstandard workers will not necessarily have negative effects on permanent employees in the workplace.


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