  • 學位論文


Region, Native Land, Tradition—The Study on the Contemporary Novels by Shaanxi Writers: Chen, Zhong-shi and Jia, Ping-wa as the Representatives

指導教授 : 梅家玲


本論文主要是以陳忠實和賈平凹為主要研究對象,繼而勾勒出陝西當代小說大致的文學流變,討論的面向有三個:一是地域書寫,二是鄉土關懷,三是文學傳統的繼承與新變。 在地域書寫的部分,本論文在第二章即從地域的角度切入,首先對陝西地域文化加以說明,其次勾勒陝西文學自延安文學以來所形成的文學傳統和寫作的共性,繼而討論地域文化因子與陝西文學構成的關係。最後則聚焦於陳忠實和賈平凹,著眼於他們的創作如何「自覺」地走向地域化寫作,透過此種方式形成自己獨特的文學風格與個性。同時也說明他們各自的故鄉或生活所在的地域對於其創作的重要性。 第三章專論陳忠實作品,討論陳忠實90年代之前的作品對於農村改革的關注以及90年代的《白鹿原》對於鄉土革命歷史的書寫。前者為作家對「現實的鄉土」的關注,而後者則是作家對「歷史的鄉土」的理解,其寫作視角明顯從「政治」轉向「文化」。作家在《白鹿原》中以一個家族的繁衍生息與變遷講述了一個特定時期的鄉土、革命和民族史,並藉由白鹿意象和人物形象、心理的塑造闡釋了鄉土社會的文化結構以及他對民族傳統文化的反思,繼而重新肯定了儒家的「仁義」精神。 第四章專論賈平凹作品,以其80年代幾篇重要的中篇小說和《浮躁》以來的長篇小說為對象,從農村改革與城鄉互動中的精神、文化變異這一主題來建構他創作的思想脈絡和鄉土關懷。賈平凹80年代的作品關注於改革時期農村的種種變化,90年代之後則轉向城市與城鄉互動的題材,藉著講述人與土地、城市之間的關係表達他對城市�鄉村、現代�傳統文化的種種思考,一再凸顯出「鄉土之根」之於他的重要性。 第五章則著眼於陳忠實和賈平凹作品的表現形式和題材、內容,將其置入陝西文學發展史的脈絡之下來看其對陝西文學傳統的繼承與新變,主要聚焦於現實主義的寫作方式、史詩性的追求與消解以及城市題材的開拓三個層面。藉由討論他們與陝西文學傳統之間的關係,凸顯他們在陝西文學發展史上的地位與重要性,以他們為中心帶出陝西當代小說的整體面貌和新的發展。


This thesis targets on Chen, Zhong-shi and Jia, Ping-wa, and further profiles the developments and changes of contemporary Shaanxi novels. The discussion focuses on three aspects: the regional writing, the native concern, and both of the inheritance and the changes in the literary tradition. About the regional writing, the thesis starts from the regional point of view in the chapter two; first of all, illustrating the regional culture in Shaanxi, secondly, outlining the formation of the similarities between literary tradition and the writing since Yanan period, and subsequently discussing the relationship between regionally cultural elements and the formation of Shaanxi literature. Lastly, focusing on Chen, Zong-shi and Jia, Ping-wa, about how their creations self-consciously got into regionalized writing, and accordingly establishing their unique style and characteristics. Meanwhile, pointing out the importance of their respective hometowns and the regional place they live. The chapter three mainly discusses Chen, Zhong-shi’s works, which were his concerns about the Rural Revolution before the 90’s and Plain of Bailu(《白鹿原》) as the writing of the revolution history of the native land. The former is the writer’s concern towards “the realistic native land” and the latter is the writer’s understanding towards “the historical native land”, and the writing perspective shifts from the politics to the culture. In Plain of Bailu, the writer explicates the native land, the revolution and the history of the nation within the certain period through the propagation and the development of a family. Besides, he interprets the cultural structure of the rural society and his reflection on the traditional culture of the nation through the image of the white deer and the characters and the molding of the psychology, and therefore, re-affirms the spirits of “Ren-Yi”(仁義),benevolence and righteousness, of Confucianism. The chapter four focuses on Jia, Pin-wa, mainly putting the target on his several medium-length novels in the 80’s and Turbulence(《浮躁》), which constructs his thinking contexts and his concern for native land from the topic of the rural revolution and the change of the spirit and culture in the interaction between the countryside and the city. Jia’s works in the 80’s are attentive to various changes during the period of the rural revolution, and however, he turns to deal with the materials about the city and the inter-relationship between the countryside and the city. By narrating the relationship between the people and the land and the city, he expresses his contemplation on the city/ the countryside and the tradition/ the modernity, and emphasizes the importance of “the root of the native land” to him. The chapter five deals with the forms, the subject matter and the contents of Chen, Zhung-shi and Jia, Pin-wa, and examines the breakthrough and the inheritance of the tradition of the Shaanxi Literature under the context of the history of Shaanxi Literature. Three parts are highlighted chiefly: the writing style of the Realism, the pursuit and the decline of the epic characteristics, and the development of the subject matter about the city. Through discussing the relationship between these two writers and the tradition of the Shaanxi Literature, the writers’ status and their importance can be seen, what’s more, the entirety of the contemporary Literature of Shaanxi and its development can thus drawn by them as the center.


吳 亮:〈城鎮、文人和舊小說――關於賈平凹的《廢都》〉,《聯合文學》第10卷第6期,1994年4月,頁95-96。


