  • 學位論文


Smart control of water cooling system

指導教授 : 黃秉鈞


本研究旨在開發一水冷氣系統,透過硬體的設計-水簾片冷卻水塔,於夜晚進行儲冷,利用纖維材質的水簾片波浪交錯表面並強力的毛細力,使水均勻分佈,增加熱傳效果,方能提升效率。加上智慧型控制Maximum power point tracking control(MPPT)技術,使系統操作於價值函數的最高點,即系統不失性能卻最省能的狀態,而達高效能的目的。而夜晚儲存的冷能,用於白天室內冷房。 由本研究測試結果得知,定義夜晚儲冷熱流系統的價值函數為 Fc = Dw/Dq,意義為每損失一分散熱量所節省下的耗電量,透過MPPT智慧型控制,在台灣潮濕的氣候下使用水冷氣系統,夜晚儲冷之總體COP最好可達14.5,較傳統冷氣COP僅有3~5來的高。而在日夜溫差大的乾燥地區,更可看出水冷氣系統夜晚儲冷的效益,COP可高達24.5,是高效能冷氣系統。而此套水冷氣系統在台灣目前最適用於春秋較悶熱的天候,白天冷房效果能將室內能由25度降至21.8度,在室內濕度50%的情況下,是人體舒適範圍。


水冷氣 效能追蹤 水簾片


To develop a water cooling system utilizing the diurnal temperature difference to make and store cold water at night for the supply of cooling load at daytime. The research focus on two directions, one is development of a water air-conditioning system using porous cellulose-pad for heat rejection by air cooling. Another is development of a maximum power point tracking control system (MPPT) to minimize the power consumption of fans at an optimal heat rejection rate under variable ambient condition. The results was found that the cost function Fc(=Dw/Dq) can be used for the MPPT control. Fc represents the ratio of relative reduction in power consumption with respect to the reduction of heat rejection rate. The test results show that the coefficient of performance COP (=Qc/Wt) of water cooling system is 24.5 at optimal heat rejection (total power consumption 75W with heat rejection rate 1,840W) in dry weather (Th-Twb=8.4oC) and 14.5 (total power consumption 66W with heat rejection rate 958W) in wet weather (Th-Twb=5oC). This is much higher than that of conventional air conditioner (COP=3~6). The field test of the water air-conditioning system for ZEH-1 shows that it can supply daily cooling load between 3.5-6 kWh/day.


water cooling MPPT porous cellulose-pad


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[2] 黃錦文:“冷卻水塔之熱流原理(下)",中國冷凍空調雜誌,pp.100-109,(1997.6)
[5] 黃錦文、蔡瑞益、張永鵬:“冷卻水塔之熱力計算方法(上)",冷凍與空調, pp.85-94,(2001.10)
[6] 黃錦文、蔡瑞益、張永鵬:“冷卻水塔之熱力計算方法(下)",冷凍與空調, pp.102-112,(2001.12)
[7] 王啟川:“冷卻水塔之熱流設計", 冷凍與空調,pp.53-63,(2001.10)


