  • 學位論文


Influence of product knowledge, perceived value and consumer ethics on the purchase intention of sweet potato consumers

指導教授 : 王淑美


摘要 基於過往印象,甘藷屬於低價農作物,但因其營養豐富,近年來被尊為養生食品。目前國內甘藷製品的眾多,若能積極創新,必能創造更高的產值。本研究即探討消費者對甘藷之產品知識和知覺價值,及其倫理意識對自身購買意願的影響。透過網路調查,本研究針對389份有效樣本進行統計分析,統計分析方法採用敘述性統計、項目分析、因素分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關性分析及迴歸分析等。 研究結果顯示,情感及附加價值是影響甘藷消費者購買意願最主要的因素,其次是消費者的環保倫理意識、客觀的產品知識,以及每月可支配所得。甘藷消費者的購買意願也會因其每月可支配所得、進食頻率,和購買經驗之不同,有明顯的差異。據此,建議甘藷廠商可重新定位甘藷為具機能性的保健食品,並朝愛情、親情、友情,以及對地球的大愛,思考廣告訴求。也建議相關廠商須力行生果分級,且有計畫地栽種頂級品種的甘藷,做好顧客關係管理,並致力於甘藷養生的推廣活動。


Abstract Sweet potato is a low-cost crop based on past impressions, but it has been regarded as a health food in recent years because of its rich nutrition. As numerous domestic brands of sweet potato products develop and actively innovate, it is expected to create high output value. This study explores the impact of consumer’s product knowledge and perceived value of sweet potatoes, as well as their ethical awareness on their purchase intentions. Through an online survey, this study conducted a statistical analysis by using 389 valid samples. The statistical analysis methods we use are descriptive statistics, item analysis, factor analysis, independent sample T-test, One way ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis. The results revealed that emotions and conditional values are the most crucial factors affecting the purchase intention of sweet potato, followed by consumers’ environmental ethics, objective product knowledge, and monthly disposable income. The purchase intentions of potato consumers vary significantly due to their monthly disposable income, eating frequency, and purchase experience. Accordingly, sweet potato manufacturers may reposition sweet potato as a functional food, and ask for love, affection, friendship, and attachment for the earth. In addition, the manufacturers may practice potato grading, plant top varieties of potato products, conduct customer relationship management, and commit to the promotion activities.


