  • 學位論文


Plasticized Risk Societ: An Analysis on Regulatie Structures and Contexts behind Plasticizer Event

指導教授 : 周桂田


自風險社會的觀點、全球在地化的脈絡下檢視2011年所爆發的塑化劑風暴,本文認為食品起雲劑中惡意添加塑化劑的問題有其歷史脈絡,並且不僅止於食品問題的管理中。首先,風暴中的塑化劑-鄰苯二甲酸酯-是一種自1980年代左右就已經逐漸被認識到其科學上的不確定性與危害,並且在1990年代以降被視為疑似環境荷爾蒙,近而在2000年左右受到世界各國進行管制,限制其在敏感性群體如嬰幼兒玩具和用品上;台灣也在這波風潮中進行管制並且將部份鄰苯二甲酸酯類納入第四類毒性物質管理,但這項管制最終在塑化劑風暴前沒有進一步地延伸,也沒能阻止食品中惡意添加塑化劑的問題。 從食品安全治理與毒物風險管理在台灣歷史脈絡中所浮現的各種政府機關的回應及其特質,突顯出重視發展思維、輕視環境而導致健康權不重視的管制文化;當面對全球自由貿易市場商品流通的高度複雜性以及化學技術擴張的各種工業原料與毒性物質管理時,此種管制文化延續性的特質如何因應可以從三聚氰胺的問題中可見一斑,並可初步展現台灣政府食品風險治理上的遲滯、隱匿與單向的風險溝通形式;也從此展現出台灣社會作為一個「雙重風險社會」的特性:一方面是必須對新興科技風險作出即時、有效的回應,另一方面回應的主要的行動者-政府-卻也必須迅速與符合民眾期待地修正其結構性缺陷。 由於我國塑膠產業的發展、鄰苯二甲酸酯類的大量使用、國人大量消費各種塑膠製品的習慣、以及全球食品治理日漸由公私部門聯合治理潮流的背景因素,使得我國民眾暴露在大量塑膠與塑化劑的日常生活之中。但正也因為產業界的壓力和政府缺乏本國相關治理之資訊或毒諮會採共識決的模式,造成鄰苯二甲酸酯類持續無處不塑地使台灣社會轉為「塑化風險社會」。在塑化風險社會中,政府的食品安全治理只注重「衛生」而非安全,政府的毒物管理措施可以不作為,並且造成風險個人化、使得整體食品治理的責任都轉向企業與消費者:毒物都是企業惡意添加的,有害則仰賴消費者舉證。政府並未承擔其應有的責任,反而是加劇民眾對其的不信任,進而引發風險的循環。


From the perspective of risk society and glocalized context to examine the Platicizer Event in 2011, this study argues that the cloudy agent contamination by platicizer do has its special historical context, which is not limited to food problem management. Firstly, the platicizer - phthalate esters – is a material that was recognized its scientific uncertainty and hazards in 1980s, and a sort of endocrine disrupter substance in 1990s so has been regulated its applications by nations around the world in 2000s. Taiwan government also followed this trend to regulate part of phthalate esters into the forth type of toxic material management; however, this regulation did not operate enough to stop the Platicizer Event. The governmental responces and its features of food safety governance and toxical material management in Taiwan’s historical context, make its regulative culture, emphasizing economic grothth, neglecting environment, and neglecting health right ,so noticeable. When facing the high complexity of commodity circulation in global free trade market and enormous industrial material and toxic material management in the era on chemistry expansion, this regulative culture’s fetures could be exanmined by melamine event, and show the delay, hidden and one dimensional form of risk communication on Taiwan government’s food risk governance. This also represents the specialty that Taiwan society as an “Double Risk Society, ” which means the government should make immediate and effectful responces to the new technological risk, bot also repair and its structural deficits promptly to corresponde the public expectations. Our citizens are exposed by enormous plastic materials and platicizers in daily life because of the characteristcs of the development of domestic plastic industries, the mass consumption of phthalate esters, the mass consumption of plastic products, and the trends that global food governance is gradually cooperated by public-privatesectors. However, the pressure from industries, the insufficiency of information for domestic governance and the consensus mode in toxic expert conferances turned Taiwan society into a “Plsticized Risk Society” by phthalate esters. In Plsticized Risk Society, the governmental food safety governance do not care safety but format, the toxic material management does not operate in reality, and the risk is individualized to every single one. This turns the responsibility of food governance to enterprises and consumer: toxics are added by enterprises, the proof should be put by consumers. The government does not take its responsibility, which caused distrust by the publics and led to the circulation of risk.


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