  • 學位論文


Travel and War:Taiwanese/Literary Cross-border images and interisland in the early post-war period

指導教授 : 黃美娥


本論文旨在研究戰後初期臺灣/文學的旅行,如何與戰爭相互結合,勾勒並且提醒「戰後」實屬另一個「戰間期」的意義。透過1945─1949年間上海出刊的《旅行雜誌》與臺灣發行的《台旅月刊》,進行報刊雜誌研究,再往後延伸至五○年代的徐蔭祥,所出版有關戰後初期遊記作品的文本分析,進而重新理解戰後初期以「旅行」為名,而折射出的「跨界」現象與臺灣「島嶼間性」。   藉由中國出版品對臺灣的寫作呈現,並置臺灣旅遊雜誌上對中國內戰的陰影投射,對照出臺灣/文學之於旅遊的文化作用外,本文以曾在前述兩份刊物發表作品的徐蔭祥,作為一討論跨界相關案例,意在點出其作品中所投影出戰後初期旅行,於五○年代反共復國大業的位置,並抽絲剝繭遊記文學在官方的角色定位。換言之,徐蔭祥於戰後初期創作的文學遊記,正是研究戰後臺灣/文學旅行的一條路徑。   總結而言,本論文從「旅行」與「戰爭」兩大概念出發,爬梳其中跨界現象與島嶼間性在臺灣的文化交互作用過程,進而重新思考戰後初期臺灣/文學的位置及其相關表現。


This thesis aims to study the travel of Taiwan/literature from 1945 to 1949. And point them how to combine with war to remind "post-war" is another meaning of "wartime period".Through the study of the magazine “Travel” which published in Shanghai and the “Taiwan Travel Monthly” which published in Taiwan from 1945 to 1949, and the textual analysis of Xu Yinxiang's travels in Taiwan in the 1950s as evidence, to re-understood "travel" how to be used to reflect the "cross-border" phenomenon and Taiwan's "interisland" in the early post-war period.   By the Chinese publication presented to Taiwan, and the shadow of the Chinese civil war in Taiwan’s tourism magazine,and through Xu Yinxiang, who had ever post travel notes on “Travel” and “Taiwan Travel Monthly” as a discussion of cross-border related cases, this thesis aims to point out the position of the early post-war period travel with anti-communist in the 1950s, and to take the liberty of travel in the official position.Then contrast the cultural role of Taiwan/literature. In other words, Xu Yinxiang's literary travel notes of Taiwan in the early post-war period is a path to study Taiwan/literary travel in post-war.   To sum up, this thesis starts with the two concepts of “travel” and “war”. To Explore the cross-border phenomenon and interisland how to product their effectiveness, and then to rethink the position of Taiwan/literature in the early post-war period and its related performance.


1. 趙君豪、中國旅行社編:《旅行雜誌》19卷5期至24卷8期(上海:中國旅行社,1945.05─1950.08)。
2. 黃天邁、李友邦發行:《台旅月刊》1卷1期至2卷1期(臺北:臺灣旅行社,1949.01─1949.10)。
3. 趙君豪發行:《自由談》1卷1期至9卷12期(臺北:中國自由出版社,1950.04─1958.12)。
4. 吳克剛發行:《現代週刊》共32期,(臺北:現代週刊社,1945.12.10-1946.12.15)。
