  • 學位論文


A literature-review study on Transformation of Timber Production Institution in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李國忠


摘要 本研究主要透過1945年後相關文獻的整理,來釐清國家政策、社會背景與臺灣地區木材生產制度的關係,以脈絡化分析的方式,藉著對制度發展的脈絡化陳述,探討政治體制與經濟體制對木材生產制度發展軌跡的鑲嵌性與限制。 在木材生產制度發展的政治與經濟結構中,由於歷史遺緒奠立了國有為原則的森林資源,形塑木材生產制度的過程,國家力量做為決策的主要行動者,與其所主導的經濟發展皆顯重要。 本論文將木材生產制度研究起始於日治時期,由於清政府治台期間,除1887(光緒13年),臺灣巡撫劉銘傳為修造鐵路設立伐木局,入山砍伐松、樟做枕木外,整體的木材生產制度,在於1895年日本領台後,全面的森林資源被納入國家的管理體制中,切割為「林地」與「林產」的處置方式後,才奠立基礎。 1945年國民政府接管臺灣,木材生產制度在不同的政治和經濟政策壓力下改變其制度輪廓,期間歷經大量伐木生產的階段,直至1991年政府實施〈臺灣森林經營管理方案〉,全面禁伐天然林,並限制每年的伐採量不得超過20萬立方公尺,臺灣地區的木材生產事業幾近停頓,而木材生產制度的運作也告終結。


Abstract This research aims to make clear the relations between the Timber Production Institution within Taiwan area, the state’s policy, and societal backgrounds. By the contextualizing analysis and through the contextualized statements to the institution’s transformation progress, it probes the limits and embraced context that the political and economic frameworks have brought to the path of development considering the timber production institution. Within the political and economical structures, in respect to the development of timber production institution, historical legacy has established the state-owning principle to forest resources, therefore making the state’s power as a major actor of policy decision, and the economic development the state conducts, to both appear as important factors toward the shaping process of the timber production institution. This paper starts the study of timber production institution from the Japanese regime, to the reason that a general timber production institution has yet to show up until the Japanese overtake, within which the institution was fundamentally established as forest resources were in overall introduced to the management systems of state, within the treatments separating forest products and forestland were made, leaving alone a lumbering administration set up during the Ching’s ruling at 1887 by then-governor Liu, Ming-Chuan to the purpose of logging pine and camphor for railroad ties to the demands of railway construction. After the 1945 control shift of Taiwan to the Nationalist government, the timber production institution has changed its system outlines whilst facing the pressures of different political and economic policies, and within it has went through the era of mass logging production, which came to period at 1991 as the government carried out the “Taiwan forest operation and management program”, which in overall bans the logging of natural forests, at the same time limiting logging quantities to a total of no more than 20 cubic meters per year. This ceases the lumbering business within the Taiwan area to a stoppage, and the operation of the timber production institution has therefore came to an end.




