  • 學位論文


Contribution of Child Protection Social Workers' Attitudes to Their Placement Decision-Making

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


長期以來兒少保護社工的安置決策一直是國內外重要的研究議題,安置服務的目的是在保護受到嚴重傷害的兒少,但當社工的服務和決策存在差異時,代表受虐兒少、家庭可能會因不同社工而有不同的決策,不僅讓人懷疑社工的專業判斷,更值得關注的是,這樣的結果極可能影響兒少的一生。因此本研究旨在探討兒保社工安置態度與安置決策之間的相關性,以瞭解影響兒保社工安置決策的重要因素。本研究為量性研究,以我國18個縣市政府兒少保護單位之社會工作者為母群體,共獲得272份有效樣本。研究者透過案例方式讓兒保社工進行安置決策的選擇,並藉由文獻整理擬訂安置態度量表,做為釐清兒保社工安置態度與安置決策兩者關係之研究工具。 迴歸分析之研究結果顯示,兒保社工「兒保年資」、「育兒經驗」及「安置返家服務」態度對於兒保社工的安置決策具有預測力。兒保社工年資愈深,有愈高的機率將受虐兒少留在家中,而較不傾向將其安置;有育兒經驗者較無育兒經驗者,有較高的機率將受虐兒少進行安置;兒保社工對於安置返家服務的態度愈正向者,有愈高的機率將受虐兒少進行安置。透過相關分析發現「督導滿意度」與安置決策呈現相關。兒保社工服務單位有提供個別督導且督導滿意度愈高者,較傾向將受虐兒少留在家中,而較不傾向將其安置。 相關分析的結果亦顯示兒保社工的「年齡」、「兒保年資」、「督導滿意度」及「在職訓練頻率」與兒保社工「安置態度」及其各子項有關。其中「督導滿意度」、「在職訓練頻率」與安置態度呈現正相關,顯示兒保社工督導滿意度愈高,對於安置服務有愈正向的態度;兒保社工在職訓練的頻率愈高,對於安置態度亦有愈正向的傾向。 兒保社工個人背景上,研究發現受試者以女性、未婚、無育兒經驗、最高學歷大學(專科)為主。在專業背景上,以具社工師證照、平均年資三年以下者為多。多數社工其服務單位有提供個別及團體督導,而九成以上的受試者在過去一年內有參與兒保相關之在職訓練。最後,本研究提出四項實務建議:增進兒保社工安置決策的一致性;完善督導制度,提高兒保社工督導滿意度;增加兒保社工留職率,減少人力之流失;提升安置返家服務質量資源,協助安置兒少重返家園。


This study aims to examine contributions of protection social workers' attitudes toward issues of out-of-home placement services with their placement decision-making. Using a quantitative approach, there were 272 study participants out of 409 child protection workers in our local governments. They were presented with a vignette describing the case of a child at risk and asked to indicate their recommendations for intervention. They also completed an attitudes questionnaire gauging their attitudes. Through regression analysis, the results from this study indicate two conclusions: (1) Workers' attitudes toward family reunification services predicted their placement decision-making. More positive attitudes toward family reunification services contributed to more intrusive intervention recommendations. (2) Years of workers’ working experience and child rearing experience predicted their placement decision-making. More experienced workers were less inclined to implement their decisions in intrusive intervention recommendations. And the workers who had parenting experiences were more inclined to implement their decisions in intrusive intervention recommendations. Through analysis of correlation, the research indicates that workers with higher satisfactions with supervisor’ support had less inclined to implement their decisions in intrusive intervention recommendations. Through analysis of correlation, the research result related to protection social workers' attitudes indicated three conclusions: (1) Negative correlations of attitudes were found with age and years of experiences of workers. (2) Positive correlation was found between attitudes and workers’ satisfactions with supervisors. (3) Positive correlation was found between attitudes and training frequency. Based on the findings, the research provides suggestions of social work practices and further research to institutions and workers in related fields.


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