  • 學位論文


Maturity Levels of Research Data Management Services of Taiwan Academic Research Institutes

指導教授 : 羅思嘉


學術研究機構透過科學研究尋找掌握未知事物的線索以及可以推動社會進步的關鍵知識,研究過程中所產生的研究資料若能夠與後續研究共享並再利用,將可使投入研究資源的使用產生最大化,亦可讓研究發展更具效能與效率。研究資料管理服務被視為是推動研究資料共享與再利用的關鍵因素,也在研究機構社群中逐漸形成重要議題。近十多年來,國外研究社群已對於研究資料的管理與開放進行諸多討論,並建議具體作法;臺灣則有官方所建立的資料開放平台、生物與自然和人文領域研究資料的徵集典藏庫,推動開放資料的使用,而研究機構多自行統籌發展研究資料管理服務,對於整體發展以及從機構層面探討研究資料管理現況與議題的相關實徵研究則著墨較少。本研究以國內學術研究機構對象,透過所建構之成熟度量表,了解分析調查機構推動與發展研究資料管理服務的現況。 研究從機構角度出發,採調查法設計,藉由網站內容分析、問卷量表及訪談蒐集資料,分析國內17所大專校院、43所研究機構,研究資料管理服務概況與成熟度,並與國外實施狀況相比較,期能對國內研究資料管理服務發展提出建議。研究所使用的量表以國外發展的成熟度模型為基礎,結合國內外研究資料管理服務相關文獻所提出之觀點所建構,內容包含支撐、核心、環境三大因素,區分為政策與程序、基礎設施、研究資料服務、研究資料管理、機構態度、人員態度等六構面。 研究結果發現調查的單位中研究機構研究資料管理服務的平均成熟度高於大專校院的平均成熟度。整體來說,研究所調查之機構,在服務與管理上已推出相關的服務項目,並展開推動策略,且在資訊軟硬體設施上有一定的基礎建設與資料處理能力,但政策、機構與人員之態度還處於發展初期,未臻成熟,多未訂定完整的發展政策與推動策略,單位人員對研究資料管理之認知有限,不清楚研究資料管理之意義與可能帶來之助益,而機構與職責單位也還未充分了解研究人員之潛在需求,故在計畫與實施上勢必還需更加努力理解研究資料管理對機構發展之效益。


Through scientific research, research individuals and institutions seek leads to the unknown and essential knowledge that can drive social progress. If the research data that is collected or generated for the research can be collected, stored, shared and reused for subsequent research, it can maximize the use of invested research resources and make research development more effective and efficient. Research data management service is considered to be one of the key elements in promoting the sharing and reusing of research data, and has gradually become an important issue in the research community. In the last decade or so, members of research communities have discussed and suggested specific practices regarding the research data management and guideline has been proposed. In Taiwan, an official open data platform and a collection of research data in the biological, natural and humanities fields are in placed to promote data sharing and reuse, and the research institutions are mostly coordinating the development of research data management services on their own, and less attention has been focused on the overall development and the related issues from the viewpoints of institutions. This study tried to investigate the development of research data management services provided by the research institutions and presented the results through the constructed maturity level scale. The research took the survey approach and investigated 17 universities and 43 research institutions in Taiwan. The author adopted website content analysis, maturity level scale, and interview as data collection methods, and the profiles and maturity level of institutional research data management services were drawn. The scale used in the study was based on the maturity models developed previously, and was revised by taking the perspectives presented in the literature on research data management services in Taiwan into consideration. The scale contains three major factors: support, core, and environment, along with six elements: policies and procedures, infrastructure, research data services, research data management, institutional attitude, and personnel attitude. It was found that the average maturity of research data management services in the surveyed institutions was higher than the one of universities and colleges. Overall, the institutions surveyed have launched related service projects and promotion strategies in terms of service and management. The information infrastructure and data processing capabilities including the hardware and software facilities are in place. However, the policies, attitudes of organizational management and personnel are still at the early stage of development and have not yet reached maturity; there are no policies and promotion strategies formulated; there is limited knowledge of research data management shown and the meaning and benefits of research data management is not clearly stated. Therefore, more efforts are needed in planning and implementation to understand the benefits of research data management for the development of the services from the institutional point of view.


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