  • 學位論文

展演藝術媒合平台策略- 以Needer 。你的網站為例

Platform Strategy of Art Performance- Taking Needer For Example

指導教授 : 陳文華


從電腦網路的崛起至當代手機行動網路普及,社會資訊流通快速,也同時出現了許多商業機會。利用網路平台的方式創業,顛覆了以往的創業公式。原本垂直的供應鏈思考改變為彎曲供應鏈,低邊際成本,面對資訊流通快速的高度比較性,缺乏社交價值的產品無法快速吸引目光,在平台上單打獨鬥的時代已經結束,現在是協力合作的時代。 本文探討表演藝術平台的商業模式,並設計規劃出一個新的表演藝術平台,著重在平台兩端的需求是否有被滿足?如何媒合需求端與供給端,能否用自身的產品平台建立適當的連結,建立雙贏,並達到正向網路效應。網路的即時回饋更能夠與消費者互動而不斷的修正策略,本文在規劃出新的表演藝術平台後,實際申請了正式公司,建置了網路平台「NEEDER。你的」,分析實際運作後平台雙方的回饋,在網站有基本的運作架構後經由回饋修改方向,可以減少成本的浪費。 再者我們分析不同的表演藝術平台有什麼不一樣的考量,切入點不一樣對於平台圈的建立有什麼不一樣,台灣市場還不成熟,對於週末去欣賞演出還只是小眾市場,從表演者方建立介紹平台,與一個是從表演舞台方建立機會平台,哪一個才是比較適合發展的生態圈,也可以透過本文分析得到解答。


From the time that Internet shows up to the popular of smart phone, information flow is changed. It is also come along with a lot of Business Opportunities. Use platform strategy to design a new business model. Vertical thinking about supply chain has changed into circular way. The time we fight alone is over, it is the time we fight together. This thesis discuss the business model of arts and performances platform strategy. Design a new website for performing arts. Focus on the both sides of demand and supply, and how to use platform to deign connection properly. Create positive network effect and platform ecosystem. After designing a new platform business model, I apply a new company called Needer. Analyze the data during the operation. Collect feedbacks from supplier and demander. What makes it different when we set up web page for different side of platform? Performing arts market are immature, so we also have to design it properly. To create a ecosphere for performers and audience, this thesis and help you to get the answer.


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