  • 學位論文


The alteration of gains and losses in unjust enrichment for the infringement upon proprietary interests

指導教授 : 陳聰富


本論文「論權益侵害型不當得利之損益變動關係」主要係在探討權益侵害型不當得利構成要件之認定及解釋適用問題。 本文以損益變動關係之兩個內涵予以討論。於第二章「損益變動內容之認定:受益人與受損害人之認定」,係藉由我國實務權益歸屬說及學者通說所採之權益歸屬理論,認定權益侵害型不當得利損益變動內容之判準,並介紹英國返還法中關於被告因自己不法行為或取得原告享有專屬利益之財產而受有利益之訴訟事由,其等適用要件、法律效果及相關原則。以損益變動之內容判斷無法律上原因受有利益之人與適法享有權益歸屬之受損害人。 其次,於第三章「損益變動關連性之判斷」,係涉及民法第179條所定致他人受損害之要件。本文認為,應以損益變動之直接關連性取代直接因果關係,除係為區辨不當得利取除受益人無法律上原因所受利益之目的與侵權行為損害賠償填補損害之目的外,且侵害法規範秩序上應歸屬於他人之權益而取得權益之歸屬,對於適法享有權益歸屬者即屬受有損害,損益變動間即具有直接關連性。 準此,本文對於損益變動關係之認定流程為,首先,確認個案中產生變動之利益或利益內容;其次,確認財產利益變動之起源;第三,判斷財產利益之歸屬變動於何人,建立利益移動之軌跡;第四,確認受利益與受損害之相對關係;第五,認定受益人是否具有保有利益之正當性;最後,判斷受利益與受損害間是否具直接關連性。


The thesis “The alteration of gains and losses in unjust enrichment for the infringement upon proprietary interests” mainly on how to definite and explain the requirements of unjust enrichment for the infringement upon proprietary interests. About the alteration of gains and losses, the thesis has two parts with that. The aim of the second chapter is to confirm the content of the property rights which is altered in case, in virtue of organizing and analyzing judicial judgements and scholars’ theories; in addition, introducing two causes of action of the law of restitution for defendant’s wrongs and claimant’s proprietary property right interfered by defendant in United Kingdom. Secondly, in the third chapter is about “The determination of the connection between gains and losses” , and with regard to the requirement of Civil Code Article 179 “A person who acquires interests without any legal ground and prejudice to the other”. The thesis points out the direct causation theory shall be replaced with direct connection. The reasons are not only distinguishing the purpose of unjust enrichment from the purpose of torts, but also the infringement upon other’s proprietary interests and receiving gain, equal to make the right holder suffer loss. Therefore, in the thesis, the process of identifying the alteration between gains and losses is: first, confirm what kind of interest or property right being altered in the case is; secondly, confirm the origin of the alteration of proprietary interests; third, determine the alteration of the attribution of proprietary interests, and establish the track of the alteration of interests; fourth, confirm the relative relationship between the gains and losses; fifth, determine whether the beneficiary has the legitimacy of the retained interest; and finally, determine whether there is a direct connection between the gains and losses


王澤鑑(2010.03),《法律思維與民法實例 請求權基礎理論體系》,臺北:自刊。
