  • 學位論文


A Study on the Interim Relief Related to Minor Child

指導教授 : 黃詩淳


本論文分為六章,分析暫時處分裁定書內容,以及深度訪談法官,探究未成年子女在父母離婚程序中可能面臨的暫時處分種類。 家事事件法於2012年公布施行後,於第85條以下設有暫時處分之規定。然現行實務運作的相關研究甚少。本研究搜尋了2012年1月1日至2018年12月31日之107件地方法院暫時處分裁定,就未成年子女親權、會面交往等事件加以分析。從本研究所蒐集之裁定數可知,涉及未成年子女的暫時處分並未完全公開,雖分析上述107件裁定的內容,可對處分之背景與內容事項獲得初步了解,但仍留下許多未解的問題。因此,本文以深度訪談法了解實務運作方式,以彌補不足之處。 在暫時處分要件部分,裁定書內容分析與深度訪談皆發現,被核准的事由可能同時符合急迫性與必要性之要件。是以,急迫性與必要性並非二者相互獨立之要件。而在親權酌定與會面交往部分,受訪者表示,調查尚在進行中,大多不會於暫時處分定子女親權;而對於會面交往之聲請大多會准許。另,深度訪談亦發現本案與暫時處分審酌所考量之層面有所不同,主要在於前者執行時間長,後者短。 最後,綜合前述研究發現,國家應重視親職教育之重要性,藉由提供相關資源了解親職、溝通技巧等,應能降低父母雙方之衝突。另,法院亦應協助當事人於程序終結後連結可得之資源,以期達到減少興訟之願景。


The thesis is divided into six chapters, mainly on analyzing judicial practice judgments of interim relief cases and surveying judges by in-depth interviews. The thesis mentions about the situation of minor children who used to face their parents’ divorce procedure in court. After the promulgation of Family Proceedings Act in 2012, there are some regulations of interim relief on the Article 85 as follows. However, researches on practices are rare. The thesis focuses on the regulations of interim relief of child custody cases and the way and period of meeting or communication with the minor child cases, analyzing 107 Taiwan District Court judgments during the year from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2018. According to the number of the judgments, it is not completely disclosed. Even though we can get preliminary understanding from the 107 judgments, there are still some unsolved problems. Thus, by one-on-one interviews, we uncover the point of view of practical experiences. About interim relief cases, the elements of impatience and necessity are simultaneously existed in the same case. That is, these two elements are not mutually exclusive. In the situation of child custody cases and the way and period of meeting or communication with the minor child cases, the interviews mention that the procedure were being conducted, they probably wouldn’t decide the custodian. However, the request for he way and period of meeting or communication with the minor child are mostly permitted. Besides, the time course of original case and interim relief case are also different. Lastly, according to the above results of the research, the authority should put seriously concerned about the importance of parenting education. By providing the resources and skills, it is able to reduce the fight between clients. In addition, the court should provide some information after the end of procedure to decrease the rate of litigation.


一、 專書
JoséB. Ashford, Craig W. LeCroy, Kathy L. Lortie(著),張宏哲、林昱宏、吳家慧、徐國強、陳心詠、鄭淑方(譯)(2007),《人類行為與社會環境》,2版,台北:雙葉書廊。
Richard S. Sharf(著),馬長齡、羅幼瓊、葉怡寧、林延叡(譯)(2015),《諮商與心理治療》,2版,台北:新加坡商聖智學習。
Uwe Flick(著),張可婷(譯)(2010),《質性研究的設計》,初版,新北:韋伯文化國際。
