  • 學位論文


The related study on dog mite (Demodex canis) and investigation in the Toxoplasmosis of native animals (goat, swine, dog, pigeon) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳應寧


(一)犬毛囊蟲相關性研究 摘要 2003年1月至2007年12月間,隨機取樣檢測1013隻流浪犬 (有主:187隻、無主:826隻) ,其毛囊蟲 (Demodex canis) 感染率為7.2% (73/1013)。以區域而言,內湖區最高為19.2% (14/73) (P<0.05)。季節上,以冬季最高為12.5%(32/255);檢出率與月份、性別、年齡及品系間有顯著差異(P<0.05)。犬隻個體檢出部位以背部最高為52.1%(38/73) (P<0.05)。而本實驗中對已受毛囊蟲 (D. canis) 感染犬採用3M透明膠帶(310 3M Scotch®)黏貼檢測,仍以背部檢出率為最高。依檢測時間不同,可知犬隻個體的三個區域(眼、背、前肢)檢出率為PM:20-22 > AM:8-10。另外,對已受毛囊蟲 (D. canis) 感染犬隻體表作病原性黴菌(Fungi)之分離,Microsporum canis和Trichophyton mentagrophyte分別為4.4%(2/45)及2.2%(1/45)。在皮膚組織病理與細胞免疫方面,可見多數雪茄型蟲體存在,皮膚上皮層(Epithelium)呈不規則形狀增厚,毛囊腔呈現大小不一擴大,經由caspase3抗體免疫染色後,可於毛囊腔周圍發現細胞之caspase3呈活化態,造成細胞凋亡(apoptosis)。 (二)臺灣地區本土性動物(羊、豬、犬、鴿)弓蟲疾病調查與相關性研究 摘要 本研究自2001年至2006年間,以隨機取樣方式,並利用乳膠凝集反應法(Latex Agglutination Test)進行羊、豬、犬、鴿子等動物弓蟲(Toxoplasma gondii)抗體陽性率之檢測,另以卡方 (Chi-square test)來分析,其各種動物不同地區檢測茲分如下,羊:於2001年10月到2002年12月間,分別自臺北市轄內地區5戶所飼養之羊舍,共計採得105頭羊隻血液。結果發現羊隻弓蟲感染之血清陽性率為28.6%(30/105),依區域血清陽性率而言,以大安區為最高50.0﹪(15/30),內湖地區為最低13.3%(2/15)。至於各羊場陽性率則屬普遍存在。就各區域、羊舍及品種相互間的關係分析,結果顯示各區域與羊舍間均無顯著差異性(p>0.05)。豬:於2003年5月到2004年4月間,至北區(臺北縣樹林鎮; 桃園縣蘆竹鄉;新竹縣竹北市)某屠宰場採集血液,血清樣品395件。結果發現豬隻弓蟲感染之血清陽性率為10.1%(40/395),力價最高為256倍(2,5.0%),除1,3,10月外均有檢出(p<0.05)則屬普遍存在。而各季節相互間的關係分析,結果顯示季節間均無顯著差異性(p>0.05)。犬:於2005年10月到2006年9月間,針對臺北市地區(121。27’-121。40’E and 25。13’-24。08’N)採集犬隻(1 歲以上)血液檢體計有1412例(雄:768;雌:644)。其弓蟲感染陽性率為20.1%(284/1412)。弓蟲以西區最高22.7%(192/844),月份以二月35.3%(24/68)最高,其分布與人口密度、犬隻數量或河流橫跨區域(基隆河、淡水河、新店溪)並無顯著差異,與月份、降雨量、相對溼度則有顯著相關性(P<0.05),但集中區域有偏東區之趨勢。鴿子:於2004年1月到2004年12月間,自臺灣地區11縣市(20個地區)44戶所飼養之鴿舍,共計採得665隻鴿子(Columba livia domestica)血清樣品。結果發現臺灣地區鴿子弓蟲陽性率為4.7%(31/665),力價檢出方面最高為256倍(3.2%;1/31),而在4區中以北區為最高6.0%(13/216),東部地區為最低1.8%(2/111),力價檢出方面1:32(30;96.8%),1:256(1;3.2%)。另在性別陽性檢出率方面︰雄性為4. 4%(14/320)、雌性為4.9%(17/345)。至於鴿舍陽性率則為34.1%(15/44)。季節方面秋季為5.9%(19/322)較高,至於月份以三月7.4%較高。而飲水中檢出率為0.8%(1/132),鴿舍檢出率為2.0%(1/44)。而各區域、季節及性別相互間的關係,結果顯示各區域與季節間均無顯著差異性(p>0.05),至於性別則亦無顯著差異(p>0.05)。而區域與溫度、濕度、雨量有顯著差異性(p<0.05),季節與溫度、濕度、雨量有顯著差異性(p<0.05)。在年齡方面1歲以下檢出為6.0%(5/83)、1歲以上檢出為4.5%(26/582)。


(1)The related of investigation and study in Demodex canis in dogs Abstract Infection rate, reaction to light, and hair follicle apoptosis are examined in the dogmite, Demodex canis Leydig (Prostigmata: Demodicidae), in dogs from the northern area of Taiwan. An analysis of relevant samples revealed 7.2% (73/1013) prevalence of D. canis infection. Infection during the investigation peaked each winter, with an average prevalence of 12.5% (32/255). The infection rates significantly varied in accordance with month, sex, age, and breed (p < 0.05). Most of the lesions were discovered on the backs of the infected animals, where the infection rate was 52.1% (38/73) (P < 0.05). The epidemiologic analysis of infection based on landscape area factor, found that employing a map-overlapping method showed a higher infection rate in the eastern distribution of Taiwan’s northern area than other areas. Isolation tests for Microsporum canis Bodin (Onygenales: Arthrodermataceae) and Trichophyton mentagrophyte Robin (Blanchard) on the D. canis infected dogs revealed prevalence rates of 4.4% (2/45) and 2.2% (1/45), respectively. Observations demonstrated that D. canis slowly moved from a light area to a dark area. Skin samples were examined for cellular apoptosis by activated caspase3 immunohistochemical staining. Cells that surrounded the infected hair follicles were activated caspase3-positive, revealing cell apoptosis in infected follicles via the activation of caspase3. (2)The related of investigation and study in the Toxoplasmosis Abstract From 2001 to 2006, blood samples from goat, swine, Stray dog, pigeon (Columba livia) were randomly collected from different areas in Taiwan and examined Toxoplasma gondii. antibodies using the Latex Agglutination Test and Chi-square Test analyzed. Examines as follows: Goat: The goat's blood from 5 farms in Taipei was investigated in order to comprehend the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii. From October 2001 through to December 2002, 105 blood samples were collected and examined using a Latex Agglutination Test. Results showed that the overall prevalence of goat toxoplasmosis was 28.6% (30/105) with the DaAn District having the highest prevalence at 50.0% (15/30) and the NeiHu District having the lowest prevalence at 13.3% (2/15). In general, the infection rate exists in goat farms. Furthermore, the Chi-square test revealed that significant differences existed among the breed (p<0.05), with the regional distribution and goat farms (p>0.05). Swine:From May 2003 to April 2004, 395 swine blood samples were collected from slaughterhouses located in the north of Taiwan (Shulin city, Taipei County; Lujhu Township, Taoyuan County; Jhubei city, Hsinchu County) and examined Toxoplasma gondii. antibodies. Results indicated that the overall prevalence of pig toxoplasmosis was 10.1%(40/395)with LA the highest titers of 1:256(2,5.0%). As for the seasonal variation, the infection did not occur in January, March, and October(p<0.05). The result indicated that there is no significant difference among seasons(p>0.05 ).Stray dog: From October, 2005, through September, 2006, 1412(768 male, 644 female)blood samples were periodically collected randomly from stray dogs(1 year and older)in Taipei City(121。27’-121。40’E and 25。13’-24。08’N). Analysis of the samples revealed a 20.1%(284/1412)prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection. The West district had the highest infection rate(192/844, 22.7%).The highest monthly positive rate was 35.3%(24/68)in February. The affected areas did not significantly differ in population density, number of stray dogs , river locations(Keelung river, Tamshui river, and Hsing-dian brook), but season al rainfall and humidity(p<0.05). Highly infected areas were concentrated in eastern areas of Taipei city.pigeon : From January 2004 to December 2004, a total of 665 blood sera samples from pigeons were randomly collected from 44 pigeonry in 11 counties and cities (20 regions) in Taiwan. The result revealed that 4.7% (31/665) of pigeons were infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Among four regions the northern region was the highest at 6.0% (13/216) and the eastern region was the lowest at 1.8% (2/111). In the aspect of strength index it was 1:32 (30; 96.8%), 1:256 (1; 3.2%). In addition, in the aspect of positive infection rate in terms of sex was︰ In males, the infection rate was 4. 4% (14/320) and in females, the infection rate was 4.9% (17/345). The pigeonry positive infection rate was 34.1% (15/44). But in the drinking water the infection rate is 0.8% (1/132). Pigeonry infection rate is 2.0% (1/44). Except above, Chi-square test was also used to analyze various correlations among regions, climate, and sex. There was no difference between male and female pigeons (p>0.05). But the region in relation to temperature, humidity and rainfall did reveal a significant difference (p<0.05). With respect to age, the infection rate were 6.0% (5/83) for 1 year and younger and 4.5% (26/582) for older than 1 year old.


(13)范家堃、蔡裕仁、鍾文政、張鑑熹、趙磐華。1998a。臺灣臺北市犬隻感染弓蟲之血清流行病學調查。高雄醫學科學雜誌14: 387-391。
(14)范家堃、蘇霩靄、鍾文政、蔡裕仁、邱弘毅、林慶豐、蘇千田、趙磐華。1998 b。宜蘭縣南澳鄉與南投縣仁愛鄉泰雅族原住民和當地動物弓蟲抗體血清流行病學研究。高雄醫學科學雜誌 14: 762-769。
(25)蔡裕仁、范家堃、鍾文政、趙磐華。1997。臺灣中北部貓隻感染弓蟲病之血清流行病學調查。中華寄誌10: 11-16。
