  • 學位論文


The effect of verisimilitude, relevance and product types on advertising effectiveness

指導教授 : 練乃華


由於故事可以讓消費者透過敘事處理,或可以增加消費者與品牌或產品之間的連結性以增加消費者購買的意圖,或可透過降低消費者的負面觀感,來達到某些目的。由於故事可以帶來的效益如此之大,因此在廣告領域中,關於故事型廣告的研究一直前仆後繼,可見其在廣告領域中的重要性。本研究參考各學者對故事的定義,與其相關的實證研究,探討不同事實性程度的故事、故事與產品關聯性與不同商品類型對廣告效果的影響。 本研究採用實驗設計法,以「故事類型」、「故事與產品關聯性有無」與「商品類型」為自變數,分成「寫實型故事」與「神話型故事」兩種故事;「故事與產品有關聯」與「故事與產品沒有關聯」兩種類別;「實用型商品」與「享樂型商品」兩種商品類別,共八個實驗組,並以台灣大學大學部及研究所的學生為施測對象,來進行研究。 研究結果指出: 一、 不管是實用型商品或是享樂型商品,搭配寫實型故事與神話型故事的廣告效果均沒有顯著差異。 二、 對故事與產品沒有關聯的情況來說,產品態度上,寫實型故事表現顯著比神話型故事好;對故事與產品有關聯來說,在廣告態度上,神話型故事廣告的表現的確比寫實型故事廣告來得好。 三、 「故事類型」、「故事與產品關聯性有無」與「商品類型」三自變數間沒有顯著的交互作用。 關鍵字:故事型廣告、事實性、一致性、實用型商品、享樂型商品


Stories can influence purchasing intention by improving SBCs or decreasing negative attitude toward subjects. Since there is huge impact on advertising effect when using story-form advertising, there are couples of researches on this domain. Thus, base on these researches, this thesis have development an experiment to explore the relationships of verisimilitude, relevance and product types. Using college and graduate students at National Taiwan University as respondents, a 2*2*2 between subjects experimental design is conducted. Independent variable is story type(narrative versus myth), story and product appeal are related(related versus unrelated), and product type(utilitarian versus hedonic product). The conclusion as follows, 1. No matter for utilitarian or hedonic products, there is no advertising effect differences between matching up narrative or myth. 2. As for story and product appeal are unrelated, narrative results in higher level of attitude toward the product than myth. As for story and product appeal are related, myth results in higher level of attitude toward the advertising. 3. There is no interact effect between story type, story and product appeal are related and product type. Key Words : story type, verisimilitude, relevance, utilitarian, hedonic


story type verisimilitude relevance utilitarian hedonic


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