  • 學位論文


Import Demand for Haitian Coffee: A Cross-country Analysis

指導教授 : 張靜貞
共同指導教授 : 張宏浩(Hung-Hao Chang)



This study presents an empirical analysis of the import demand for Haitian coffee by four major foreign buyers (US, Japan, France and Italy). The primary objectives were to identify the economic factors affecting the demand for coffee imports and to derive price and income elasticities of import demand. These elasticities could be used to examine government policies regarding the coffee industry. Static and dynamic Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS) model were used to estimate a system of expenditure share equations for Haitian coffee and its competitors. Yearly time series data from 1976 to 2011 were obtained for the analysis. The analyses reveal that the collapse of the international coffee agreement and the Uruguay round trade negotiations adversely affected the import demand for Haitian coffee. The results identified also the Haitian coffee (being negatively correlated to import coffee expenditure) as an inferior good within some markets and a weak substitute to coffee from Brazil, the leader of the world coffee market.


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