  • 學位論文

臺灣盾椿科分類研究 (半翅目:椿總科)

Taxonomy of the Family Scutelleridae of Taiwan (Hemiptera: Pentatomoidea)

指導教授 : 楊平世


本文檢討臺灣產盾椿科 (Scutelleridae Leach)共包含13屬17種,分別為Coleotichus borealis Distant、Solenosthedium chinense Stål、Hyperoncus lateritius (Westwood)、Brachyaulax oblonga (Westwood)、Calliphara noblis (L.)、C. excellences (Burmeister)、Cantao ocellatus (Thunberg)、Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff)、C. giranensis (Matsumura)、Eucorysses grandis (Thunberg)、Lamprocoris lateralis (Guerin)、Lampromicra miyakona (Matsumura)、Poecilocoris druraei (L.)、P. lewisi Distant、P. watanabei Matsumura、Scutellera fasciata (Panzer)及Hotea curculionoides (Herrich-Schaeffer)。其中Lamprocoris formosanus (Matsumura)為L. lateralis之次異名;Chrysocoris giranensis (Matsumura)轉自Lamprocoris屬;Lampromicra miyakona轉自Brachyaulax屬,並將種小名強制性修改為陰性字尾。文中描述本科所有種類之雄蟲外部形態、臭腺孔及雄性生殖器的構造,並記錄寄主植物及其分布狀況。本文並附成蟲屬與種級之檢索表。


椿總科 臺灣 半翅目 盾椿科


The taxonomy of Scutelleridae of Taiwan was revised.17 species in 13 genera from Taiwan are included: Coleotichus borealis Distant, Solenosthedium chinense Stål, Hyperoncus lateritius (Westwood), Brachyaulax oblonga (Westwood), Calliphara noblis (L.), C. excellences (Burmeister), Cantao ocellatus (Thunbreg), Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff), C. giranensis (Matsumura) (comb. n., from Lamprocoris), Eucorysses grandis (Thunbreg), Lamprocoris lateralis (Guerin), Lampromicra miyakona (Matsumura) (comb. n., from Brachyaulax), Poecilocoris druraei (L.), P. lewisi Distant, P. watanabei Matsumura, Scutellera fasciata (Panzer) and Hotea curculionoides (Herrich-Schaeffer). Lamprocoris formosanus (Matsumura) (syn. n.) is synonymized with L. lateralis. Lamprocmicra miyakona is under mandatory change. All species are described in detail; habitus, scent gland ostile, and male genitalia are illustrated. Host plants and distribution are provided to each species whenever known. Keys to genera and species are given.


Hemiptera Pentatomoidea Scutelleridae Taiwan


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Dallas, W. S. 1848. Sketch of the Genus Poecilocoris, belonging to the hemipterous family Scutelleridae. Trans. Entomol. Soc. London 5: 100-110.
Distant, W. L. 1883. First report on the Rhynchota collected in Japan by Mr. George Lewis. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, p. 413-443.
Distant, W. L. 1899. Rhychotal notes. Heteroptera: Scutellerinae and Graphosominae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser 7, 4: 29-52.
Distant, W. L. 1902. The Fauna of British India. Rhynchota I. Taylor and Francis, London. 438 pp.
