  • 學位論文


Some Notes on Statistical Analysis of Regional Yield Trials

指導教授 : 彭雲明


區域產量試驗 (regional yield trial)能幫助農民們在有限的金錢和材料下能得到最大的產量, 及更多樣性的農產品。 此試驗主要是在檢定研究者有興趣的品種在不同生長環境下的產量差異。 在分析區域產量試驗方法中最為大家所熟知為綜合變方分析 (combined analysis of variance), 此分析有兩個前提假設 : (1) 機差須為常態分佈 (2) 各獨立試驗之機差均方需為同質。 但此前提在實際試驗資料上常常無法滿足, 在此我們提供以 SAS 的 proc mixed 和 R 的 lme 撰寫的程式以合理的模式來解決這問題。 主成份分析 (PCA) 也是分析產量資料方法之一, 不同於變方分析中累加性效應, 而 PCA 是以相乘積的方式來描述效應對產量的影響。 因為 PCA 所選矯正項 $\mu$ 無法使殘差平方和最小, 平移乘積模式 (SHMM) 方法目的為尋找一個 $\psi$ 能使殘差平方和達最小。 我們建議 Newton - Raphson 法要搭配 EM 法才能得到最快最準確的結果。 在此提供了 R 的 optimize 函數, 雖然其收斂速度不如 Newton - Raphson 法但所得到的收斂值不受起始值影響。 AMMI 模式 (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model)分析為結合了 ANOVA 和 PCA 的方法來分析產量資料, 它能更有效的預測產量且能以雙軸圖呈現結果。 AMMI 分析結果通常以少數幾個重要的交感主成份 (IPCA) 來解釋交感效應, 但當最重要的前幾個個 IPCA 無法解釋大部分交感變異時, 在此我們提出重新參數化之 AMMI 模式來改善這問題。 到底模式要取幾個 IPCA 才能有最高的預測準確度呢 ? 預測差值之均方根 (RMSPD) 提供了一個衡量的標準, 可算出每一個 AMMI 模式的預測性準確度, 當 RMSPD 最低時的模式即有最高的準確度。 我們也試著比較重新參數化之 AMMI 族和傳統 AMMI 族所選出的最佳模式是否有出入。 在我們分析的水稻例子中, 此兩種方法模式的 RMSPD 趨勢圖差不多且所挑選出的最佳模式也一樣。 再者, 更進一步去檢查當機差均方不等時會不會影響到 AMMI 的分析結果。 對於此情形我們採用加權方法來改善。 在此以蕃茄當例子, 我們分別求出各個環境變級的機差均方倒數當加權值。 然而傳統最小平方法和加權最小平方法所求出的參數估值是相同的, 故在蕃茄例子中我們不用擔心機差均方非均質會影響到 AMMI 的分析結果。


In this study, we reviewed the statistical analysis of regional yield trials and proposed some alternatives for conventional statistical analysis. These alternatives are presented as four notes. First note is about combined analysis of variance. Regional yield trials provide information essential to breeders, farmers. A typical yield trial involves a number of varieties and test sites within the growing region of a particular crop. The conventional combined analysis of variance has long been used to analyze regional yield trial data. Quite often, two of the assumptions of this analysis : (1) error follows normal distribution (2) individual experiments are required to have homogeneous variance are not met. For the past decade, computing facilities have been developed for analyzing mixed-effect models such as SAS Proc Mixed and R lme. So we will present a short program using Proc Mixed or lme to cope with the error variance heterogeneity model. Second note is relevant to the parameter estimation of shifted multiplicative model. The computation of $hat{psi}$ in SHMM has been a daunting tack and several algorithm had been proposed to tackle this problem. We find that this computational difficulty can be handled reasonably well by the `optimize' function offered by the R language. The third note is about the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. We propose an AMMI analysis which can capture most of the interaction variation by one or two principal components through reparameterization. The fourth note is about the impact of variance heterogeneity on AMMI model analysis. We studied if WLS estimation can provide extra improvement of AMMI prediction by taking variance heterogeneity into consideration. To our surprise, both WLS estimates coincide with those from OLS estimation. So, it shows that variance heterogeneity dose not have any impact on the AMMI model analysis.


AMMI analysis regional yield trials


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