  • 學位論文

非都會區身心障礙社福機構採行社會企業之探討 ~以東部某身心障礙社福機構為例

A Study on the Social Enterprise: The experiences of a social agency for the disabled in the non-urban area

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


本研究試圖藉由對台東縣牧心智能發展中心的個案研究,探討非都會區身心障礙社福機構採行社會企業的原因、操作模式、遭遇的困境及其因應策略,以三角測定法決定研究樣本來自牧心、民間實務專家及公部門三個領域,選擇具有庇護工場或社會企業參與經驗,並依其主要業務屬性(規劃、決策、執行),訪談8人。 研究發現牧心發展事業的最初衷乃是為了機構的生存,案主的就業服務是附加價值,但隨後便成為引導事業發展的重要標竿;「社會企業」對牧心而言,是一項解決財務問題、滿足案主需求的策略。而在牧心事業發展的過程中,深受外部環境的衝擊,且帶有非都會區特性的影響,包括:(1)政治面向上,地方政府資源不足、原住民優先及地方生態結構特性增加行銷的難度;(2)經濟面向上,人口少市場規模小、缺乏大企業難以獲得合作機會、市場同業競爭激烈甚至打壓;(3)社會面向上,人口外移留不住人才、專業人才聘用不易。 以資源依賴理論檢視牧心採取的因應策略,發現「多元財源策略」:維持自營財源1/3、捐款1/3、公部門資源1/3,是其適應外部資源不足的應變之道,也成為事業經營的目標,更是機構發展與自主的根基,可分為三個策略面向:(1)與公部門的互動,以機構自主為前提運用補助;(2)與市場的互動,透過事業經營賺取盈餘以支持機構對身心障礙者的服務;(3)與社區的互動,致力做好的服務贏取社會信任。最後歸結出牧心採行社會企業且達成經營目標的關鍵在於:累積豐厚的社會資本作為利基,以及有效應變的資源策略。 文末,建議牧心可透過策略結盟引進企業經營資源解決經營專才的困境,並可採借歐盟社會企業的經驗;建議其他身障社福團體,採行或成為社會企業,應先確認服務使命,釐清事業發展與個案服務的差異與關聯,而「社會企業」概念比庇護工場更強調獲取自主財源,值得非都會區身障社福機構策略規劃上加以參酌;建議政府應扮演好「火車頭」角色,盡速規劃明確的庇護工場與社會企業相關政策,並協助身心障礙社福機構發展經營能力、行銷策略,並結合志工政策鼓勵企業專才參與。


The purpose of this study is to understand the reasons why non-urban organizations that serve people with disabilities take advantage of social enterprise, as well as their operation modes, difficulties and coping strategy from a case study of Mind-Farm Mental Development Center in Taitung County. According to different occupational activities-planning, decision-making, and conducting, 8 practitioners who have involved in sheltered workshops or social enterprises have been selected from the targeted organization, private and public sector to do in-depth interviews. It is found that the targeted organization developed a business at first just for survival, but employment services for clients has emerged from it incidentally and guided prospective business afterwards. Starting social enterprise is a strategy for the targeted organization to finance and satisfy clients’ needs, and it has been affected by political, economic and social factors as well as regional structure. As far as coping strategies from Resource Dependent perspective are concerned, mix-resources is the way for self-financing and organization autonomy, and it comes from tri-parts: market profit, private donation, and public grants. It induces that cumulating social capitals is the key to operate social enterprise and achieve self-financing successfully. It suggests introducing business management experts to help the targeted organization operate better. Moreover, it recommends that welfare agencies should recognize their own missions and differentiate the difference and relation between business development and client services before starting business. And finally, the government should draw up definite policies related to sheltered workshops and social enterprises, help organizations that serve people with disabilities develop managing and marketing capacities, and encourage corporate workers to be volunteers.


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