  • 學位論文

網絡鑲嵌、知識管理與組織績效之研究 ─ 以台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司為例

Network Embeddedness, Knowledge Management, and Organizational Performance ─ a case study of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 陳忠仁


由於技術快速進步,使得今日的企業面臨激烈的產業競爭環境,因此,知識與知識管理對於企業能不斷產生創新以提升其競爭力而言,是相當重要的。企業在從事研發與創新的活動時,除了善用本身具備的知識與能力外,為因應產業的快速變化,也可透過產業內的網絡關係取得必要之知識與資源,再透過積極有效的知識管理,進而提升創新能力及改善組織績效。因此,如何建置有助於組織創新與知識管理的網絡關係成為一項重要之課題,這也是本研究所欲探討之標的。 知識與創新是促使整體產業進步的主要驅動要素。半導體產業屬於知識密集型的產業,技術與知識的交流與傳遞相較於其他產業而言較為頻繁,並且經過數十年所發展出的專業分工合作模式,型塑出該產業特有的產業結構與關係網絡。而且,在半導體產業中,專業晶圓代工廠的存在,對於該產業的重要性越來越不容忽視。因此本研究選定半導體產業為研究對象進行資料收集與分析,更進一步聚焦於探討該產業中,以台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(TSMC)為例的專業晶圓代工廠之網絡關係與結構,對於其知識管理及組織績效的影響。本研究目的有四:分析及描繪台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(TSMC)之網絡關係及其結構鑲嵌性、探究其網絡關係及結構對知識管理活動之影響、檢視知識管理活動對組織績效之影響、並針對該產業的網絡鑲嵌特性與知識管理提出命題與管理建議。 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(TSMC)於半導體產業中位居技術領先地位,其相當重視知識管理,並為在技術或創新方面擁有卓越表現的專業晶圓代工廠。本研究先分析歸納台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司之網絡關係及其結構鑲嵌性,再探討其網絡關係及結構鑲嵌性對知識管理與組織績效之影響,並將台灣積體電路有限公司的實務應用共同納入探討。本研究發現,緊密的網絡關係與獨特的網絡結構性位置對於組織知識管理以及組織績效會產生正面影響。


Knowledge is widely recognized as an important source for a firm to gain competitive advantage. A firm can use its internal knowledge and capability to create innovation, and it can acquire external knowledge and resources from its network as well. Network is a critical mechanism for a company to acquire external knowledge to enhance its own internal capabilities. Network embeddedness refers a firm’s relational and structural embeddedness in the network, and it is an important characteristic of a firm when leveraging its social capital, and thereby to have superior performance. Although the importance of network embeddeness is increasing, little has been done in the literature in examining the relationships among network embeddedness, knowledge management and organizational performance. Therefore, this study attempts to fill the gap in the literature by providing a research framework through extensive literature review to identify the key constructs to explore the relationships among these three dimensions. The research object of this study is the leading foundry in the world, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). This study provides an exploratory analysis of network relationships about TSMC in semiconductor industry and examines the application of theory to practice. Since TSMC is the focal firm of the network addressed in this study, the research purpose is to clarify how the relational embeddedness and structural embeddedness of TSMC in its network affect its knowledge management to gain superior organizational performance. The major findings of this study include: First, the relational and structural embeddedness are inferred to positively influence the focal firm’s knowledge management. Second, knowledge management is positively related to organizational performance.


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