  • 學位論文


The Research of Su Shi's Fable

指導教授 : 康韻梅


蘇軾之詩詞文賦於文學史上的地位,歷代詩文評多有論及,而近代學者之文學史專著,則更不能不談到這位全才型作家;然而由於文學史主要乃以時代主流文學為脈絡,故對於起源遠古而自先秦以後便不為人所注意的寓言,往往少有論及。其實,蘇軾在文學史上的地位,除了詩詞文賦堪為北宋文學之代表外,其寓言更有著承先啟後、樹立典範的重大意義,因此,本論文乃著力於研究其寓言,一方面冀能稍稍有補於文學史,一方面則願能透過寓言的角度,觀其文而知其人。 由於寓言定義素無定調,故本論文首章乃先論其界義。筆者參酌寓言學者們的詮解,並對照莊子對寓言的解釋,以為陳蒲清先生所作出的定義:「寓言是作者另有寄託的故事」,應是較為妥切,故首章論界義亦採此說,並以此作為研究範圍去取的標準。次章則探討蘇軾寫作寓言的背景因素。透過外在時代環境與內在個人因素,論述蘇軾寓言寫作的動機與其風格醞釀的成因。寓言所表達的寓意自然是多面相的,舉凡價值觀、人生觀、政治觀等皆有,然本文第三章則著力於蘇軾的學術思想淵源,在他的詩、文、理論著述之外提供另一研究角度:透過寓言的內容、形式與寄寓的思想傾向,來觀察蘇軾與各家學術之間的承繼與影響。第四章則論及蘇軾寓言的藝術性,從內容、風格與表現手法分論之,藉由內容之論述以知其人兼論其世,而風格與手法之剖析,則或可於後人創作寓言有所資佐。第五章則論述蘇軾於寓言史上之定位。蘇軾稟性幽默,喜愛諧噱,故其寓言風格雖多,然猶以詼諧為其主調,而這也是他在寓言史上顯著的個人標記,因此,本章乃以歷史角度論析寓言與笑話的發展與分合,冀能由此顯示蘇軾詼諧寓言的獨特地位。 寓言既流露著哲理美,亦散發著藝術美,同時還可見作者的人格美。筆者限於學力,或未能盡現其美,然願以此拋磚引玉,使博學之士留意於是而深究之。


蘇軾 寓言 藝術性 詼諧


In the discussion of literature history, people must discuss about Su Shi's poems and literary works that present many important meanings by this outstanding writer, poet. Due to literature history focuses on the main stream of the mentioned era, people seldom pay attention to the importance of fable which also affects the development of literature much from far away Pre-Qin Dynasty. In fact, not only Su Shi's poems that definitely stand for important milestone to the North-Sung dynasty, his fables also bring much significant impact to the literary history and play a very important role to connect the previous accomplishments and set up the new paragon for future. Therefore, this thesis focuses on Su Shi's achievement of fable to replenish the insufficient research in the view of literary history. On the one hand, this thesis also would like to understand Su Shi more through the research of his fable to find out some inside and deep meanings of this important poet, writer in the literary history. In the first chapter, due to there is no clear definition of what fable is, this thesis would like to set up the definition firstly to clarify the research range. By the reference of Zhuang Zi's explanation and the definition from Mr. Chen Puqing, "A fable is the story that the author would like to reflect something else". Therefore, the first chapter takes this definition to decide the research range and analysis criteria. In the second chapter, this thesis would like to research Su Shi's writing background. Through the external environment and internal personal factors, this thesis is trying to find out Su Shi's writing motive and the main causes to establish his writing style. Fables expressed many aspects of its inside meanings including thinking value, life purpose, political ideas…etc. The third chapter of this thesis will focus on Su Shi's academic thinking system to provide another point of view except his poems, essay, and theory articles. This chapter would like to observe and study the interactions between Su Shi's thinking orientation comparing to other different thinking system through the deep studying of the content, format, and inner thinking in Su Shi's fables. From the content, style and performance practices of the points, the fourth chapter deals with the artistry of Su Shi's fable. By the content analysis of his fable, this thesis would like to come out his inside mental reality and to know the external environment around him. By the analysis of his writing style and methodology, here also would like to dedicate some information for the reference of the following fable writing and innovation As the conclusion of this thesis, the fifth chapter is going to set up a suitable position for Su Shi's fable articles in the literary history. After studying, Su Shi's has significant humorous character in his deep mind. Even there are various styles of his fables, but major of all is still written by his spirit of humor. This is also his strong style among all the fable works in the fable history. Owing to, this chapter also takes this chance to analysis the developments and evolution between jokes and fables, and would like to find something new to show the unique position of Su Shi's humorous fables in the literary history. Fable has not only the elegant sense of philosophy but also has the sense of art. Meanwhile, through the fable content, we can also find the significant character of the author. Due to the limitation of my limited capability, this thesis can't describe very well for all goodness of the fable. So, this thesis here, only would like to dedicate the preliminary studying for this topic firstly, and would like to provide the minor reference for all the following people who is interested in this fable studying.


Su Shi fable artistry humorous






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