  • 學位論文


Research on the Evaluation Method for Emergency Evacuation Time of Large Scale Architecture- A Case Study on Taipei Arena

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


隨著經濟活動的轉型,台灣商業活動頻繁,大型集會活動的需求日益增加,除了提供民眾日常活動使用外,亦可舉辦其它各種藝文活動。大型的活動場所涵蓋了舉辦音樂會、體育競賽、展覽…及商業性活動等設施,為進行不同表演節目之空間利用,其內部空間皆具可變性,加上近年來交通、經濟之發展,建築材料、構法等技術之革新,新建築已具大型化、高層化及複合使用化特性,各式大型空間之建築物,其容留人數眾多,成為許多大規模建築物興建時的利基。 臺灣自40年代起開始推動體育活動,各縣市政府大量投資興建體育設施,如田徑場、游泳池、網球場、足球場及小型活動空間,其中包含許多大型的體育設施,如可容納多人之體育館,至1999年底止,全臺灣所有之體育場和體育館總數已有2780座。其中可容納人數8000人以上者共有34座(行政院體育委員會, 2005),臺灣因缺乏大型活動之專設空間,所以經常租用大型體育館來舉辦活動。以1999年為例,某田徑場總共舉辦56場活動,其中包含45場體育活動,9場演唱會,2場廣告拍攝活動,因此在體育館的高使用率及多數為大型活動的情形下,避難規劃不良時,存在災害高傷亡的風險與危機,因此,大規模建築物空間的避難設計及安全管理亦為重要之課題。 避難行為決定了災難發生時人員是否能安全逃生的關鍵因素,但建築物設計時考量之避難安全評估與營運時期實際之避難行為特性間,經常無法滿足實務性之操作驗證。大型建築物由於收容人數多,避難設計不良即可能造成巨大的傷亡,歷史上有許多災例都是緊急情形下的人潮避難所引起的;目前有限的研究仍普遍存在全尺寸(full-scale)避難實驗(evacuation exercise)不易與實驗經濟性的限制,以及真人模擬道德性與未重視軟體分析過程等問題。本研究以大型體育館(large gymnasium)為研究對象,利用官方要求體育館業者營運前進行之避難演練機會,以問卷調查及錄影觀測方法,了解所有參與演練人員之避難行為特性;並透過Simulex與buildingEXODUS兩個知名的軟體進行電腦模擬分析。研究結果顯示不同軟體分析過程間存在極高之風險承受值;本研究另以焦點團體(Focus Groups)之方式,提出了「Hot Area」概念,以序位法進行建築物中最危險區「Hot Area」的選取評估,以Hot Area evacuation exercise 取代Full-scale evacuation exercise 的方式進行研究。利用一場客滿(15000人)之歌舞劇結束時,進行2089人(Hot Area)人員散場之實地觀察與紀錄,並採用buildingEXODUS軟體對臺北市立體育館(Taipei Arena)的Hot Area避難進行軟體模擬,並將結果與軟體進行分析比對,藉以了解人員散場情形與電腦避難軟體模擬時之差異性。最後,本研究根據調查與分析結果進行改善評估,並將改善建議提供予設計與營運者參考設計與管理,並提出建議及作為未來該類型建築物完工驗證時之檢視參考參考基準。


With a shift in economic and business activities in Taiwan, the demand for large, concentrated events has increased. These venues can be used for artistic events as well as residents’ daily activities. Large event venues have facilities for music concerts, sports tournaments, exhibits, and business activities. Different indoor space utilization makes for versatility in varied events. Recent years, with the developments and revolutions in transportation, economics, building material and construction technique, most new buildings are large, multi-storied and complex, and the ability of large buildings to contain a large number of people also becomes a niche. In the 1940s, Taiwan began to promote physical activities and the county and city governments invested a great deal of funds in athletic facilities such as athletic fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, soccer fields and smaller spaces. A lot of the large athletic facilities are gymnasiums that can hold many people; by the end of 1999, there were 2780 stadiums and gymnasiums in Taiwan, 34 of which could accommodate over 8000 people (Executive Yuan Sports Affairs Council, 2005). Taiwan lacks specific spaces designated for large events, so large gymnasiums are often used. For instance, in 1999, there were 56 events held in a particular athletic field, including 45 athletic activities, 9 concerts, and 2 commercial productions. As gymnasiums are frequently used for large events, evacuation plans should be well planned due to the dangerous risks of injury and death. Hence, evacuation design and safety management in large buildings are important topics. Evacuation behavior is a key factor to whether people can escape safely during a disaster, but when a building is designed the considerations and evaluation of safety often cannot meet the requirements of actual practice due to evacuation behavior. Large buildings hold many people, so badly designed evacuation facilities can lead to large scale injuries and deaths; historically, many disasters are caused by evacuating crowds. Currently, the body of studies still remains limited by the difficulty and experimental cost of full-scale evacuation exercises or the ethics of human simulation and less emphasis on software analysis processes. This study focuses on large gymnasiums and uses the opportunity that the government requires gymnasiums to complete evacuation drills before opening to the public, as well as surveys and video observations, to understand the evacuation behaviors of evacuees, and also uses the well known software Simulex and buildingEXODUS for simulation and analysis. Research shows that a high risk factor exists between the analysis process of different software; this study proposes the concept of the Hot Area based on the concept of Focus Groups, selecting and estimating in order the most dangerous Hot Areas in the building, and using the Hot Area evacuation exercise to replace the a full-scale evacuation exercise for research purposes. In Taipei Arena, at the end of a sold-out musical (15,000 people), a Hot Area evacuation was performed with 2,089 people, observed and recorded and also simulated by buildingEXODUS software. The actual results were compared to software analysis in order to understand the difference between real evacuations and computer simulation. Finally, this study analyzes investigation and analysis results and provides an evaluation for improvement, also providing recommendations for building designers and operators in designing and managing buildings, and also providing suggestions for future evaluation standards after similar type buildings are constructed in the future.


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