  • 學位論文


Critical Successful Factors Affecting Innovative Services

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


近年來企業面臨國際大環境不佳,有次級房貸風暴與金融海嘯危機,全世界經濟更陷入停滯危機當中,企業需要不斷創新提升競爭力來因應以維持企業永續發展,如何找出影響創新服務的關鍵因素是本研究的重點。管理學有許多分析工具可供使用,但也面臨過多的分析結果卻不知如何取捨的問題,因此,本論文想找出影響創新服務的關鍵因素以做為策略發展的參考,同時能從這幾個關鍵因素的分析更清楚掌握所處的產業結構狀態,並進而根據關鍵因素進行策略調整以獲取更大的成功機會。 本研究歸納影響創新服務的關鍵因素分有四:價值、資源、時間以及環境。價值是以顧客的知覺價值認定為主,讓顧客要有物超所值的感覺;資源是指關鍵資源,擁有關鍵資源會有較佳的競爭優勢;時間是時機以及離成功的時間長短;環境對認知價值會造成影響,環境因素由政策、區域、規模以及參與廠商所組成。創新服務會受政策左右,區域存在生活習慣、文化的差異,規模大小影響區域位置,參與者可能是競爭者也可能是互補者,彼此影響整個競爭態勢,所以環境因素對整個價值、時間及資源配置都有影響。透過關鍵因素分析可以更清楚所處產業位置,依照關鍵因素進行調整可以改變競爭狀態,增加成功機會。 我們以國內一直努力推行的遠距照護來實證此一關鍵因素,希望關鍵因素除了應用在創新服務外,也能應用在其他創新事業上,期望透過更多的驗證來強化關鍵因素並能對大家有所貢獻。


Enterprises are facing international economic downturn in recent years. There are sub-prime crisis and the financial tsunami. Businesses require constant innovation and sustainable development in order to foster long-term success. The ways to identify which key factors will affect the outcome of launching a new innovative service is the focus of this study. Although there are many analytical tools available to management teams before launching a new service, decision makers will inevitably face a multitude of analytical results without having proper reference points to know which decisions to make. Therefore, this paper would like to highlight the key factors affecting the innovative service and the findings will serve as a reference for future strategic development to obtain a greater chance of success. The study concludes that there are four key factors affecting the success of innovative services, namely value, resources, time and environment. Value is determined based on customer’s perceived value over the price they paid. Resource refers to the key resources available to a business; Time refers to two things: the timing of product or service launch and the time to success. Finally, environment is concerned with public policy, region, market scale, and participation. Innovative services are more likely to face the problems with laws and regulations, and public policies can easily dictate the chance of success. By analyzing the critical successful factors, decision makers can better understand the company’s position in the industry it operates and make adjustments in accordance with the findings to increase the possibility of success. To gain real evidence on how these key factors affect innovative services, we have implemented the concept of a telecare. We hope that our model of key factors will not just be limited to innovative services, but can be further applied to other business activities as well, helping management teams make informed decisions that can lead to success in a variety of new endeavors.


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