  • 學位論文


The influence of subjective and objective product knowledge on the attitude confidence and amount of correction

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


消費者在評價一個產品時,不但會受到產品內在與外在的影響(包括產品本身內在的品質好壞,或是外在的廣告包裝),甚至於自己對於產品主�客觀知識程度的高低差別,都有可能影響對此產品態度的確定性。倘若在給予偏誤修正的提示下,讓消費者有動機與能力去察覺並辨別出任何影響對此產品態度的偏誤因子,消費者會為了要進行公正又客觀的態度評斷,將此受到偏誤因子影響的態度評分做反方向的調整,讓偏誤因子不要干擾且影響消費者對此產品的初始態度外;而產品態度確定性將有可能影響消費者對於偏誤因子的修正程度。 因此,本研究主要探討主�客觀知識程度的高低差別,是否對於產品態度的確定性會有所不同影響,以及在給予偏誤修正的提示之下,此態度確定性的不同,是否影響受測者察覺到不同多寡量的偏誤因子。為了驗證以上的推論,本研究採取有機洗髮精作為研究目標,分別以兩個不同的研究(主觀知識與客觀知識),進行2×2的實驗設計,分別操弄知識程度(高知識或低知識)、以及是否給予偏誤修正提示(有提示或沒提示),本研究結果為高主�客觀知識的受測者,對於主實驗產品(有機洗髮精)的態度確定性較高,因此即使在給予偏誤修正的提示後,會比低主�客觀知識的受測者察覺到較少的偏誤因子,進而進行較少的偏誤修正量。


When consumers evaluate a product, they will not only be affected by the product factor, such as product quality, but also by the external factor, such as exterior packaging. In addition, one’s level of the subjective or objective product knowledge may influence the confidence of their attitude. If providing bias awareness and allowing consumers to have the motivation and the ability to identify the bias factors that affect their product attitude, consumers will adjust this attitude to commensurate bias factors toward an opposite direction of their initial attitude of the product so they can make a fair and objective attitude evaluation. Moreover, the level of the attitude confidence may also influence the consumers’ ability and motivation in detecting the bias. Therefore, the current study is intending to find out whether the level of subjective / objective knowledge will influence the attitude confidence, and whether this different attitude confidence will in turn influence participants’ awareness of bias factors and thus conduct different amount of bias correction. To examine the above predicted relation, this study chooses “organic shampoo” as the study object for Study 1 (Subjective knowledge) and Study 2 (Objective knowledge), with a 2 ( high or low level of knowledge ) by 2 (given or not the tip of bias correction ) factorial design. The result shows that subjects with high level of subjective / objective product knowledge will have higher attitude confidence than subjects with low level of subjective / objective product knowledge. Furthermore, participants in high level of subjective/objective product knowledge also detect less bias factors and therefore less amount of bias correction when bias awareness is heightened.


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