  • 學位論文

有限醫療服務資源之多重時段預約系統之病患配額 暨約診時間規劃

Designing Quota Size and Patient Arrival Time in Multiple Block Systems with Limited Medical Resource

指導教授 : 黃奎隆


本研究聚焦於就診時段指派系統,利用配額預約的方式,安排合適的病患就 診時間,在已知開放名額的門診時間中,利用動態規劃模型,透過計算超出可容 忍機率POTT分數,在其遞迴特性之下,求得各時段最佳的病患配置。並選擇以時 間為主的評估方法,計算各時段病患的期望等待時間以及最後一個時段的超時時 間。研究在時段大小不同的情境下,其各時段的等待時間與最後一個時段的超時 時間變化。考量到病患對於就診時段的便利性,本研究測試兩種不同時段大小設 定─30分鐘與20分鐘,而其所對應到的時間,對病患而言也是較容易記病記憶與掌 握的。 在本研究之問題特性當中,醫生依序隨機服務病患,且病患的服務時間服從 指數分配。由於無法找到一個適用於本研究問題特性的封閉型解(close form),因此 本研究提出一個近似法(Approximation Method),將兩種類型病患服務時間為指數 分配的特性以兩個卜瓦松分配(Poisson Distribution)表示,且假設各類型病患進入門 診後可同時接受服務。 在本研究的問題中,假設有兩種類型的病患,分別為追蹤型病患與首次門診 病患,每個時塊(上/下午)的開放名額當中,有70%為追蹤型病患,30%為首次門診 病患。又假設首次門診病患的服務時間至少為追蹤型病患的1.5倍,在此情境下的 就診時段指派結果顯示,各時段的期望等待時間取決於該時段前方是否有首次門 診病患存在,超出可容忍時間機率(POTT)則較不受到病患類型的服務時間影響, 卻受到各時段預約人數的影響,預約人數越多POTT分數越大。期望超時大小的部 分則與時段切割的大小有關,當其時段大小越接近首次門診病患的服務時間,所 對應到的期望超時時間就越小。當時段大小比首次病患的服務時間短時,此時期 望超時時間開始拉長。因此本研究建議,時段大小應以服務時間較長的病患為主 進行設定。


In this study, we focus on how to design patient quota to each fixed slots. Given the total opening quota in each time blocks, we divide the opening service hours into smaller time slots, and determine patient quotas for these time slots so that the probability of a patient’s waiting time over a tolerant time is minimized. We consider two types of patients with different service time in our problem. We estimate the expected waiting time of each slots and the expected over time at the end of the block. We assume that the patients will arrive the medical facility at the beginning of their appointed time slots and they will be served in a random order. The service time of a type of patients follows an exponential distribution. Under this model, a closed form solution is unlikely to be obtained. Therefore, we propose an Approximation Method to deal with this problem by assuming the two types of patients can be served simultaneously. A dynamic programming model is constructed to find optimal quotas for each time slot. A simulation model is used to verify the quality of solutions obtained by the approximation method. In addition, we apply our proposed method to a real case and discuss how the time length of time slots affects expected waiting time, probability of waiting time over a tolerant time, and the expected overtime of a time block.


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