  • 學位論文


Risk Management of Private Participation in Infrastructure Project: A Study of OT

指導教授 : 黃崇興
共同指導教授 : 陳家聲


各國在財政困難與民眾需求高漲的雙重壓力下,紛紛開始尋求民間資源的協助。因此政府民間夥伴關係(PPPs)成為近年來各國政府極為重視的施政方向。而我國政府亦順應國際潮流大力推動促進民間參與公共建設,並設定每年促參簽約金額目標,期望迅速為政府解決困難。然而基層執行機關卻一味配合政府政策將設施委外出去,將促參視為仙丹妙藥或是剔除燙手山芋的政策手段,使得促參失去其原本的美意,最終仍由政府承擔成本浪費。在推行促參初期企圖以量扭轉公務人員既定慣性的舊有模式是可行的,但隨著促參逐漸成熟,其思維應由衝量改為提高成效,提高促參的成功率,改變大家對於促參的觀感。 促參委外模式在促參法中共有七種類型,分別為BOT、BTO(有償)、BTO(無償)、ROT、OT、BOO與其他經主管機關核定之方式。而OT委外模式可以說是促參模式中的基本款,舉凡BOT、ROT、BTO等皆有涉及Operate與Transfer,探討OT模式亦可作為未來其他模式研究之基礎。因此,本研究之研究對象係針對促參委外模式中的OT模式進行研究,並期望透過成功與失敗案例的分析,了解OT委外時可能遭遇到的困境與挑戰,爾後針對這些困難進行潛在的風險分析,並利用風險管理概念有效降低OT委外模式失敗的機率,並進一步探討OT委外的適用性。 藉由OT委外風險管理分析,針對OT委外的潛在風險進行分類處理,最終根據研究結果,本研究提出七點結論與改進做法,分別如下:『根據案件本質決定是否採取OT委外』、『提高案件吸引力,確實發揮廠商間競爭所帶來的優點』、『確實執行可行性評估』、『拉高協調層級,加強跨部會協調效能』、『風險最適分擔,創造雙贏』、『確實進行履約管理,避免廠商違背初衷』、『辦理促參委外證照,提高人員促參素質』,期望能作為後續進行OT模式委外之參考。


Since the governments over the world face the finance deficit and the quality of service people need, they try to find other resources to support it. Hence, Public Private Partnerships become more popular in recent years. Taiwan’s Government also follows the trend to push Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. In order to reach their target, the Government should meet their objective each year .However, the executive units often do not consider whether the infrastructure is suitable for the private enterprise or not, they just want meet the policy. For that reason, many of the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects are failed, alone with a huge cost. Therefore, how to insure a success case is very important for the Government. BOT, BTO (with cost and without), ROT, OT and BOO are the types of Private Participation. The contract of OT is the basic type of Private Participation. Therefore, we choose OT to be the major research of this study. In the study, we try to identify the challenges and risks of OT through studying the cases. Then use the knowledge of risk management to analysis those challenges and risks, in order to decrease the likelihood of a fail project in the end; what is more is to indicate which case is valid for OT. We conclude 7 suggestions from our research, included: 1.Judging if it is suitable to carry out OT, based on the class of different project. 2.Make the project more attractive to draw competitions. 3.Make sure it is practicable and manage its growth. 4.Raise the level of co-ordination and the efficiency. 5.Risk should be taken by the side that can be afforded 6.Took the act seriously and make sure the private companies do not break the contract. 7.Give the permit of Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Projects, and improve the quality of executors.




