  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Market Segmentation for a Department Store

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


欲了解社會景氣良窳時,百貨公司週年慶的熱絡程度,是經濟表現的代表性指標之一,然而終年無休止的百貨檔期活動中,週年慶、母親節等大檔期,是當年度的重頭戲,也占了大部分的營收比例,然而在淡季的促銷拍賣或新品上市,這些小檔期行銷,常淪為例行銷售,且營業額不高,因此業者在行銷手法上,易流於例行規劃,也無法創造新聞話題性。 以往多數探討百貨零售業的學術研究,多以某都會區內的各家百貨公司特性比較;以百貨公司為主體,分析其市場定位;或是百貨業行銷策略研究;或以問卷調查方式,了解消費者對於百貨服務的滿意程度;若是研究節慶行銷,多以週年慶、母親節等重要檔期進行研究。鮮少針對百貨業的淡季行銷做研究,尤其以次要檔期做為研究主題更是少。 本研究針對台灣某都會區的百貨零售商場,其夏季新品上市檔期期間之消費記錄,做一整體分析研究。希冀藉由易被忽略的淡季檔期消費者分析,找出一些業者尚未發現的購物行為,重新思索例行性檔期的行銷方向,挖掘新商機。 經由這次夏上市檔期消費分析,發現小檔期的顧客消費行為中,隱藏了許多百貨業者沒有看到的潛力顧客,將此分成三個客群,跳脫以往的例行性企劃思維,評估各不同客群的被吸引力與消費能力,並選定多個市場區隔為經營重點,建立鮮明的市場定位,即加深顧客心中的品牌印象。


When we want to understand the economic situation, the prosperity degree of the promotion activities of department stores is one of the representative indications of economic situation. The annual ceremony and promotion of Mother’s Day are two biggest promotion activities during the whole year and the sales achievement occupies the most part of the income. However, during the low season, all of the sales promotion is in vain and these activities become routine and nonsense. Most of the previous study of department stores compares the difference between department stores in the same area or analyze the market position or study the marketing strategy. There are almost no studies of the effect of the sales promotion in low season and no studies for unimportant festival. The target of this thesis is the analyzing of the new arrival of summer ceremony in one department store in Taipei. Hoping that through the study, we can find some new marketing directions and some new consumer behavior. Through the analyzing of the consumer behavior of the summer ceremony, we find many new potential customers. We can divide these new potential customers into three parts and evaluate the consuming ability and behavior of the three different clusters. After we have conclusion, we can choose the potential and profitable market to be our main target market and to build our new brand strategy.


consumer behavior CRM brand strategy


Brown, Stanley A. ,2000, Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley & Sons.
Kim, Soyoung and Jin, Byoungho 2002, “Validating the retail service quality scale for US and Korean customers of discount stores: an exploratory study,” Vol. 16, No. 3.
