  • 學位論文


Research on Micro Coordinate Measuring Machine Under High Accuracy Constant Temperature Chamber

指導教授 : 范光照


本論文以微型三次元量測儀為機床,研究平台定位感測器的穩定度及建立恆溫環境。 微型三次元量測儀之平台以二極體雷射麥克森干涉儀為定位感測器,其定位準確的決定性參數為雷射波長。本文開發一套完整的繞射式波長補償模組及其數學模型,即時回授波長至感測器。 精密量測儀器須置於恆溫環境,傳統無塵室建造成本過高、耗能、操作人員為不穩定發熱源,甚至是市售恆溫箱亦有笨重及振動過大缺點。本文利用半導體致冷片以自然沈降氣流提供微型三次元量測儀恆溫環境,優點為成本低廉、可攜性高,可應用於任何精密儀器,恆溫效果達20.010±0.014℃(k=2),優於ISO一級實驗室標準。在恆溫環境下,雷射波長準確度和穩定度可達10-6數量級。 完成整合微型三次元量測儀,即實機以觸發、掃描量測工件,對量測方法及結果均有若干討論。


This thesis mainly researches on Micro-CMM, including the stability of laser diode interferometer and the development of a constant temperature chamber. Micro-CMM adopts laser diode Michelson interferometers as displacement sensors. Laser wavelength is the decisive parameter of its accuracy. Therefore, an integrated wavelength compensator mathematics model and hardware were fully developed. Environment stabilization is essential for any precision instruments. Conventional clean room costs too high and consumes much energy; commercial constant temperature chamber is too bulky in size and involves much vibration. A portable constant temperature chamber was developed in this thesis. Cheap TEC coolers are installed on the top of the chamber and cool the environment by natural convection, which contains no vibration. Temperature stability can achieve 20.010±0.014℃(k=2), which is better than ISO standard for Class I metrology room. Under constant temperature environment, accuracy and stabilization of laser wavelength can achieve an order of 10-6. Furthermore, there are some Micro-CMM measurements, including probe trigger and scanning. Several practices are shown in this thesis.


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