  • 學位論文


Evaluating Bikeability of Utility Biking in Urban Areas

指導教授 : 林楨家


基於永續發展目標,鼓勵都市民眾步行、騎乘自行車或使用大眾運輸工具的綠色運輸(green transportation)發展觀念,使得自行車漸漸成為都市民眾重視的交通工具。騎乘自行車時的舒適程度,會影響都市民眾的自行車使用意願,而受到各種因素影響的自行車騎乘適宜程度就稱為「自行車適騎性(bikeability)」。此外,在都市內運用自行車來達成通勤需求與滿足生活需求的使用者為運輸型自行車使用者,過去評估運輸型自行車適騎性的方法中缺乏不同面向評估指標,因此有需要設計一個包含綜合性面向的評估方法,以改正過去評估方法的缺失,並可用以輔佐交通單位規劃都市內各地區的運輸型自行車適騎性改善策略。   評估方法採用分析網路程序法(analytic network process, ANP),並結合質化與量化多準則評估(multicriteria evaluations with qualitative and quantitative data, MEQQD)與灰色理論(grey theory)之特性,可融合多種不同類型的評估準則,並進一步轉換成各評估面向與評估準則之自行車適騎性分數,更可產生出該地區整體自行車適騎性的總分數,以反映出當地的自行車適騎性狀態,藉由此方法能評估出符合現實狀態的綜合性都市運輸型自行車適騎性程度。本研究運用此評估方法分析台北市大安區內各里的運輸型自行車適騎性,分析結果顯示出大安區內為中央高自行車適騎性、外圍低自行車適騎性的分布,此分布主要受到當地自然環境、建成環境、政策計畫與評估方法特性所影響。而後續政策分析也提出數項改善運輸型自行車適騎性的政策建議供大安區得分最高與得分最低的兩里做為參考,並運用此評估方法對台北市政府擬定之自行車路網建置計畫進行檢視,分析結果顯示出此種大範圍尺度的交通建設計畫成效並不優於各地區逐步檢討改善區內自行車環境後串聯在一起的整體成效。   本研究成果之學術貢獻為改正過去評估方法缺乏綜合性面向指標問題,並加入新類型之指標,針對都市內運輸型自行車使用目的設計可同時採用量性指標與質性指標的自行車適騎性評估方法。實務貢獻為評估方法可輔佐交通單位規劃都市內各地區的自行車適騎性改善策略與政策分析。


Based on sustainable development goals, biking, a green transportation mode, is becoming more important and popular in urban areas. The ease of bike riding, which is called “bikeability”, would influence people’s inclination for biking. The bikeability is associated with numerous factors. Utility bikers are bikers who bike for specific purposes. The previous bikeability studies ignored multiple dimensions of evaluation criteria. Thus, this research filled the ignorance and developed a new bikeability evaluation model considering comprehensive criteria. The proposed bikeability evaluation model integrates the Analytic Network Process (ANP), the Multicriteria Evaluation with Qualitative and Quantitative Data (MEQQD) and grey numbers. The model can deal with qualitative and quantitative criteria simultaneously and provide not only different dimension scores but also a general score of bikeability. Furthermore, the model can evaluate bikeability scores for an area in an effective and realistic way. In the case study, we adopted this bikeability evaluation model to evaluate bikeability scores in Daan district, Taipei City. The result shows that the distribution of bikeability scores in Daan district is affected by four reasons, including the natural environment, the built environment, policies, and the characteristic of the bikeability evaluation model. Moreover, the outcome of the policy analysis provided many planning suggestions for the top and the last bikeability score Lis and indicated the deficiencies of the future bikeway construction plan in Daan district. This study reaches the following two contributions. The academic contribution is that the proposed model improves the previous bikeability evaluation methods by considering comprehensive dimensions of criteria and focusing on the users of utility biking. As for the practical contribution, the model can assist transportation agencies to evaluate and improve biking environments for urban areas.


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