  • 學位論文


A study on Factors Impacting Distribution of Tourism Subsidies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳明通


本文的研究動機源自於分配政策理論,主要係探討政府政策利益的分配過程與結果,該理論係指人們會偏好將利益集中在自身、成本由大眾分攤的政策,而有權力的分配者,例如民選首長或民意代表在連任動機的驅使下,會藉由將利益帶回自家選區,以爭取選民的持續支持。 分配政策的研究面向甚廣,有鑑於臺灣在觀光預算分配政策的實證性研究尚有不足之處,本研究利用2009年至2014年間,交通部觀光局辦理的「觀光拔尖領航方案」之地方景點風華再現計畫補助款分配在各縣市的情形,採量化研究方式,觀察該項政策利益分配的結果,探討可能影響觀光補助款政策利益分配之因素。 綜合本研究的實證分析結果,有四項發現如下: 一、縣市立法委員中屬執政黨籍(國民黨)比例越高的縣市,所獲配之補助經費越多。 二、縣市長黨籍與中央執政黨(國民黨)相同的縣市,該縣市所獲配之補助經費較縣市長黨籍與執政黨籍不同之縣市多。 三、國內遊客人數越多的縣市,所獲配之補助經費越多。 四、人口密度較低的縣市,所獲配之補助經費越多。 關鍵詞:分配政策、分配理論、立法委員、觀光經費補助款


My research motivation is stemmed from "distributive policy". It explores the distributing process as well as result of policy benefits. The theory of distributive policy argues that empowered distributors prefer to allocate more resources to specific groups or areas and transfer costs to the whole population in order to maximize their interests. Distributors who own the political power such as mayors or representatives will bring home the bacon to soliciting votes. There is much research specified on distributive policy. But in view of that Taiwan's empirical research on the tourism subsidies of distributive policy is still inadequate. My study used the " TOP-notch Tourism Plan ", conducted by the Tourism Bureau, M.O.T.C., to activate the local attractions by distributing subsidies from 2009 to 2014. Using quantitative research methods by secondary data to explore the impacting factors of the tourism subsidies. Comprehensive analysis of the empirical results of this study, four findings are as follows: First, when the county’s legislators are with a higher membership ratio of the ruling party (KMT), these counties will be distributed the more subsidies. Second, when the county magistrate’s party is the same with the central ruling party (KMT), these counties will be distributed the more subsidies. Third, the more the number of tourists to the counties, it will be distributed the more subsidies. Fourth, the lower population density counties will be distributed the more subsidies. Keywords: distributive policy, distributive theory, legislators, tourism subsidies


