  • 學位論文


A Study of Task-Based Listening Teaching Materials for Intermediate-Level Chinese Learners

指導教授 : 竺靜華


隨著現代語言學與認知心理學的深入發展,以及全球華語學習熱潮的持續升溫,聽力教學的價值與地位越來越為人所重視。然而,聽力教學理論研究的進步似乎未能有效體現於實務教學之上,以滿足學習者的實際交際需求為依歸之華語聽力教材仍相當有限,教材的缺乏反映出華語聽力教學發展之困境。本論文旨在以溝通式教學觀作為理論基礎,並以具體體現溝通式教學觀的任務型教學法作為教材設計的指導方法,為中級華語學習者設計一套符合交際需求的聽力專項教材,將聽力教學與真實語言溝通緊密結合,在課堂上培養學習者可應用於日常溝通情境的聽解能力。 本研究所設計的教材特點有五: 一、 強調聽力任務三階段的完整與有效性 二、 聽說結合,創造語意協商的機會 三、 提供個人化的自下而上訊息處理訓練 四、 以交際功能組織教學 五、 學習策略與溝通策略並重 在聽力教學需求日亟的情況下,本研究嘗試為目前聽力教學理論與實務無法銜接的困境設想解決方案,並提供中級華語聽力教材不同的發展面向,期望能為華語聽力教學領域注入新的活力,對推動華語聽力教學的改革發展略盡棉薄之力。


This study aims to provide a way to develop listening skills in Chinese with a practical and communicative approach. The value of teaching Chinese listening has grown alongside the surging demand for Chinese learning and expanding development in modern linguistics and cognitive psychology. However, the advancement of Chinese listening teaching theory studies does not seem to have been effectively mirrored in practical teaching. The lack of listening teaching materials that cater to the learner’s practical needs in communication reflects the struggle of Chinese listening teaching development. Therefore, this study focuses on adopting a task-based approach in the process of developing learning materials for intermediate Chinese learners. The five features that make this study different from previous ones are its: 1.Focus on the completion and effectiveness of task-oriented learning stages processes 2.Opportunities created for learners to simultaneously improve listening and speaking skills in real-life situations 3.Personalized learning process for every learner by utilizing the Echo method to develop bottom-up listening skills 4.Teaching materials with communicative functions as the theme for each lesson that are designed to exemplify the goal of communication in listening materials and the pragmatic function in language 5.Teaching integrated with the learner’s process of completing assigned tasks in order to enhance holistic communication skills. The need for more communicative ways of teaching listening skills in Chinese is growing immensely. As a response, this study is an attempt to come up with possible solutions in the hope of providing a necessary foundation for future studies on developing and learning listening skills in Chinese.


Ur, P. (1984). Teaching listening comprehension. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
