  • 學位論文


The Review and Reconstruction of Unitary Board in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡英欣


2017年的樂陞案、兆豐金案,再次顯示出我國公司治理的缺失。無法適時發揮監督作用,失靈狀況層出不窮,實為令人憂心。就公司的內部監控制度,我國證券交易法自2006年引進獨立董事,並且逐漸地運用美國董事會單軌制相關制度已有10餘年。就此,我國既已順應世界潮流,引進董事會單軌制即獨立董事制度,本文認為應將研究重心,置於董事會單軌制在實務上之施行成效,其中包括了可否順利運作、相關內部監控法制是否完善、檢討是否有達到當初引進之目的,並找出在我國施行上之缺失等。目前離金管會進一步擴大強制設置獨立董事與審計委員會之日期已漸趨近。因此,本文將以上述之問題作為研究方向,對於我國目前制度之優缺點及其核心問題並陳提出,並且詳細介紹美國董事會單軌制之規範。最後,介紹美國與我國之改革方案,並加以比較分析,就相關問題提出淺見以及改革芻議,希冀能對於我國公司治理能盡一份心力。 本文共分六章,第一章為緒論,內容為介紹本文之研究動機、目的、範圍與方法。第二章為公司治理概說,因本文欲探討美國與我國之董事會單軌制以及公司內部監控制度,而上述兩者皆為公司治理重要的一環,故應先就公司治理的基礎概念加以說明之。第三章為介紹美國董事會單軌制,重點放在董事會及內部監控機關之相關權限,並且對於美國董事會單軌制現況之優點以及困境予以討論。第四章為介紹我國有關董事會單軌制法制之相關規定,提出問題與不完善之處。第五章為比較美國與我國之法制,針對前文所提出之缺失,一一提出改革之芻議。第六章則為結論,嘗試再建構我國董事會單軌制相關法制。


In 2017, in the case of XPEC Entertainment and Mega Bank, it is revealed that corporate gorvenance in Taiwan would not be enforced effectively in supervising. Meanwhile, we are worrired about that the failure of the internal control mechanism still happen. In 2006, in order to improve the corporate governance, the internal control mechanism was changed by introducing the independent directors by amending the Stock Exchange act and its relevant regulations of the Unitary Board had graduatly enforced for past ten years. And then, inasmuch as our government has introduced the Unitary Board, so called independent director, we shall put our resource in researching the result of enforcement in practice. Including whether this mechanism has enforced smoothely, the the internal control mechanism is proper, the purpose of amendment is achieved, and tring to find out the enforcement of deficiencies in Taiwan. The date that independent director and audit commttiee is extended mandatory by Financial Supervisory Commission is gradually coming soon. Therefore, above problems would be direction of research in this article; meanwhile, this article would address the current advantage and defect of Unitary Board in Taiwan and the core problems of it and introduces the reguration of Unitary Board in America in detail. Finally, by introducing, analyzing and comparing the reforing program, and proposing the corresponsive solutions for revelant problems, I hope that this article can provide some advancements for corporate governance in Taiwan. Chapter 1 entitled “Introduction”, which describes the research motivation, purpose, scope and method.Chapter 2 entitled “Overview of corporate governance”. Because of the discussion of the internal control models and Unitary Board between America and Taiwan in this research, and both are the matter of corporate governance, we will explain the basic concept of corporate governance in the beginning.Chapter 3 entitled “Introduction of Unitary Board in America”, which introduces the relevant power of board and internal control committee, and discusses the advantage and defect of Unitary Board in America. Chapter 4 entitled “Introduction of Unitary Board in Taiwan”, which introduces problems and improper items. Chapter 5 entitled”Comparation of regulation between America and Taiwan”, which proposes some suggestions and amendments for the defect of Unitary Board. Chapter 6 entitled”Conclusion”, which reconstructs regulations of Unitary Board in Taiwan.


