  • 學位論文


Studies on the Interaction between Papaya ringspot virus Strains and Papaya Cultivars and the Inheritance of Papaya Petiole Color

指導教授 : 張龍生
共同指導教授 : 李國譚(Kuo-Tan Li)


探索木瓜輪點病毒(Papaya ringspot virus; PRSV)與木瓜( Carica papaya L. )品種間是否存有交感作用,可提供抗病毒病育種的重要資訊。本研究第一部分試驗地點在台大溫室內,使用兩個分離株 (來自病毒實驗室的SMN與DF) 與四個台灣屏東與嘉義田間取樣不同病徵型之病源 (SR1、SR2、PT與CY) 接種於三個番木瓜品種 (台農二號、紅妃與台大八號),調查接種後22天、33天與40天病徵發展。試驗結果顯示品種間的抗病程度有顯著差異,台大八號在不同病源接種下,病徵較其他兩品種輕微。而病害發展曲線下面積 (AUDPC) 在不同病毒間存在有差異,且不同病毒所造成的病徵有差異化,SMN造成快速萎凋,嘉義病源CY造成嚴重畸形,屏東病源表現捲葉與綠島。本試驗所使用品種與接種病毒間不存在交感作用,顯示台大八號具水平抗病性。抗病育種是防治木瓜輪點病的重要環節,在面對病毒變異性高的挑戰下,育成水平抗病品系才是長遠之道。本研究第二部分研究番木瓜葉柄色遺傳模式。試驗使用紫梗品系P1、綠梗品系P2、兩品系雜交F1、F2與BC做遺傳模式分析,萃取F2葉柄中花青素總量以檢視紫色色素是否為花青素。並調查F2與BC在苗期與開花初期的莖皮色。試驗結果F2世代可分為紫色、淺紫色與綠色,分離比1:2:1;BC世代分為淺紫色與綠色,分離比1:1。顯示番木瓜葉柄紫色對綠色為P基因控制,表現部分顯性,而萃取試驗結果葉柄中紫色色素為花青素,花青素的含量會影響葉柄色的深淺。莖皮色在苗期與開花初期則有明顯的變動發生,紫色幼苗有20~30% 於開花初期褪為綠色,綠色幼苗有10%轉為紫色。除了環境與幼年性的影響,紫色色素遺傳中可能存在修飾基因或跳躍基因作用而造成莖皮色變動的發生。


To explore whether interactions exist between Papaya Ringspot Virus (Papaya ringspot virus; PRSV) and papaya ( Carica papaya L. ) varieties in order to provide important information for PRSV resistance breeding. Three varieties were inoculated with six isolated virus strains. Forty days after inoculation in the greenhouse, SMN (severe mottling with necrosis) strain and the strain from Jiayi resulted in the most severe symptoms whereas minor symptoms were observed from the Pintung strain. Different virus strains showed different symptoms. For example: SMN caused rapid wilting, Jiayi developed serious deformity. The degree of virus resistance among varieties showed significant differences. AUPDC also exhibited significant differences between different virus isolates (PRSV). Strategies for disease resistance breeding are influenced by the major effects and interactions between viruses and varieties. Accumulating the number and diversity of resistant genes will be essential to the stabilization of PRSV-resistant varieties. Papaya petiole color may be purple or green. Purple color which is controlled by P allele is dominant to green color. The petioles observed in the field showed different shades of purple. To verify the genetic model for petiole color, this experiment analyzed petiole colors in purple line P1, green line P2, Hybrid F1, F2 and backcross BC. The result indicated complete dominance of purple to green for P gene. The offspring of Pp x Pp showed dark purple, light purple, and green with 1:2:1 ratio as confirmed by χ2 . The offspring of Pp x pp only showed light purple and green petiole inferring incomplete dominance for P allele. P-locus showed incomplete dominance resulted in different shades of purple for papaya.


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