  • 學位論文

男同性間性行為者在社群網站中尋求伴侶時的性態度 和行為研究

Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors Among Men Who Have Sex With Men When Surfing Internet For Partners Seeking.

指導教授 : 季瑋珠


背景 近年來,男同性間性行為者已成為全球愛滋病感染的重要途徑,國內公共 衛生部門以流行病學的實證數據顯示,在臺灣感染愛滋病的性別危險因子中以男 同性間性行為者首居高位,更逐年增加中。隨者網路平台的快速發展、交友平台 的日益增加,男同性間性行為者在網路尋找伴侶上面臨選擇與誘惑。此外,娛樂 性用藥結合性的行為,增添了男同性間性行為者感染性傳染疾病的風險。 目的 期望透過瞭解男同性間性行為者使用網路平台的交友現況,經由他們的經 驗述說,破除社會大眾、公共衛生政策上對於男同性間性行為者的誤解、迷思與 刻板印象,並試圖找出性傳染疾病的適當策略與防治介入措施,同時希望藉此提 供在性傳染疾病與愛滋病防治上的工作者,不同的視野與觀點。 方法 本研究的研究族群是針對20 歲以上,並曾經或正在使用社群網路平台尋找 伴侶的男同性間性行為者,以深度訪談的方式做為研究方法。訪談內容主要在探 討男同性間性行為者在使用網路平台尋找伴侶的方式與動機、性與愛的感受,以 及在面對性傳染疾病的認識、態度、行為表現和就醫上的意願與困難。資料分析、 處理是以歸納受訪者共同經驗為主軸。 結果 網路平台的日新月異、貼心服務讓男同性間性行為者在尋求伴侶時,誘發潛 在性態度與行為表現,然而在娛樂性用藥的助性下,許多男同性間性行為者在享 受愉悅的當下,忘卻本身擁有的保護措施與觀念;更發現有部分的男同性間性行 為者常常以外表來決定能否與對方進行危險性行為,此外,男同性間性行為者對 於性與愛的需求不僅有多樣貌式的詮釋方式,另有以開放式與多人共有的關係模 式呈現,在面臨多方的邀約、誘惑下,男同性間性行為者對於自身的健康照護與 保護措施認知與執行層面上,卻仍像是搖擺的天秤般持續地自我平衡。


Background During the recent years, the men who have sex with men(MSM) has become a critical path of global Human Immunodeficiency Virus infections(HIV), and the empirical data of epidemiology from the public health department also shows that, MSM is not only the first ranking in gender risk factors for HIV infection in Taiwan, but also keeps increasing year by year. With the rapid development of social network sites and the booms of dating platforms, it becomes more difficult for this group to choose their partners due to different choices and seductions. In addition, the recreational drug taking along with sex for this group while seeking partners has undoubtedly added more risks of sexually transmitted diseases. Purpose Expect to get rid of the misunderstandings, myths and stereotypes on the MSM from the public and the public health policy through an understanding of the dating status of this group via social networks and their experience tells; we also attempt to identify the appropriate control and strategy on sexually transmitted diseases (STD) ; finally, we hope to provide different points of view for people who works at sexually transmitted diseases &HIV preventions at the same time. Method This research method was through the in-deep interview on the population of MSM who are older than 20 years old and have used or are using social network sites to search partners. The interview was mainly to explore the way and the motivation to search partners via social network sites, the feelings of sex and love, the understanding, attitude, and behavior when facing the STD, and the willingness and difficulties in seeking medical treatment. The them analysis was based on common experience as spindle. Results The rapid development of social network sites and caring service have induced potential sexual attitudes and behaviors for MSM when seeking partners. However, these people seem to forget to use and concepts while they are in the joy and pleasure of sex with the assistance of recreational drugs. It was even discovered that some of this group often decide whether to have risky sexual behavior by the appearance. In addition, the demand for sex and love of the MSM not only has many interpretations in various ways, but is also presented with open and sharing relationship. With the multi-invitations and temptation, the MSM continue self-balancing as a swinging scales for their own health care, protection measures cognition, and implementation level.


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