  • 學位論文


The Niche for Taiwan's Development in Economic Globalization Trend - The Criteria of the WTO and the Application of WTO’s FTA

指導教授 : 柯承恩


2001年11月間,台灣與中國相繼獲准加入世貿組織(WTO);儘管台灣之入會時程因國際政治現實延宕多時,但終竟能一償宿願,加入了此一號稱經濟聯合國之國際經貿組織。 WTO之前身為國際關貿總協定(GATT),1947年成立。而後,會員不斷增加,1995年改制成WTO,並正式成為一具獨立國際法人人格之國際組織。WTO體系之意涵在於以「多邊」、「協商」方式解決會員國間之經貿紛爭,而多邊協商機制則建立在「最惠國待遇」、「國民待遇」、及和平解決爭端諸原則及精神之上。WTO體系之建構也宣告人類經社活動之全球化趨勢及網際網路化之來臨。 由於台灣長期遭阻絕於聯合國及其他國際組織之外,台灣之國際社會成員角色遭嚴重扭曲,國際地位遭壓抑,故對台灣之人民及政府而言,參與WTO自有著一份非全然關於經濟內涵之期盼。 本文研究結果發現─ 1.透過WTO之相關機制,確能維護並爭取台灣應有之權益。 2.透過WTO平台,台灣確能提升參與與WTO相關國際組織及其他機構之機會,並可相當程度開拓台灣之國際空間,提升台灣之國際地位。 3.透過WTO機制,台海兩岸已漸能在國際多邊諮商、談判舞台中,增加雙邊互動。 4.WTO體系下之自由貿易協定(FTA),將與WTO之有效運作共存,且台灣可透過不同型式之FTA與WTO各會員體建立更緊密之關係,俾避免可能遭中國圍堵及「邊緣化」之疑慮。


Taiwan and China both joined the WTO back to back in November, 2001. Although Taiwan’s accession to this organization had been impeded for many years due to China’s obstruction, this accession has been celebrated by Taiwanese people as a diplomatic triumph. The WTO, officially organized in 1995, is the incarnation of the GATT which was established in 1947. It has been accorded by each of its Members legal capacity as necessary for the exercise of its functions. Since its inception, many countries and economic entities have become members, and this organization has been reputed to be the “ Economic United Nations”. The WTO is a platform where disputes may be settled peacefully through a multilateral approach. This mechanism of multilateral consultations is based upon the WTO’s binding principles of (1) General Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and (2) National Treatment. It is through the establishment of the WTO that the globalization of mankind’s social and economic activities may be formulated and realized. As a result of involuntary isolation from the UN and other international organizations, Taiwan’s international status as an independent state has been seriously distorted. This is the reason why the people and government in Taiwan expect much more than other contracting members of the WTO from its accession and the membership acquired. This paper examines all the articles of the agreements establishing the WTO, and its operating mechanism. The evidence and analysis show the following findings: 1.Through active participation, Taiwan could achieve and retain its entitled rights in the WTO. 2.Through the WTO, Taiwan could achieve great opportunities in exploring international affairs, and be rewarded in upgrading its international status and national interests. 3.In the WTO, interactions between Taiwan and China could increase greatly in the coming years, and may be mutually beneficial for both parties. 4.Under the WTO umbrella, an FTA would be a positive complement in its operation. Through the formation of an FTA, Taiwan could extend its national influence, and effectively penetrate China’s long term policy of boycott and blockade.






