  • 學位論文

“同時,不過分開”- 當代“西方普遍主義”敘述下的儒家與伊斯蘭

“Simultaneous and yet Separate”- Modern Discursive Strategies toward Confucianism and Islam in Western Universalism

指導教授 : 石之瑜




European and American narrators have been used to construct self-identity in the name of “the west” for a long time and also discern “the others” which are non-western civilizations by expanding the western spirits and values to the whole world. Western civilization therefore could be the foundation which reinforce the self-identity internally, and externally, produce a judging superiority that maintains the privilege to rationalize the existence of western civilization when confronting with dissimilarities and ultimately create “Western Universalism”. However, western narratives are not always universal even if the narrators almost recognize the identity of universalism. Especially when Confucianism and Islam arise simultaneously, the western civilization, according to traditional values, would develop two different interactive models which not only are apposed to the universalism, but also potentially produce certain “Simultaneous yet Separate” narrative strategies. Hence, western universalism becomes a paradox. On one hand, the universality of western civilization could be verified when Confucianism and Islam coincide as “the others”. On the other hand, Confucianism and Islam should be narrated separately to assure “the west” keeps the access to communicate with independent both, which preclude these two different civilizations from forming a new threatening alliance. Through the main studying in “Asian Values” and “Clash of Civilizations”, Confucianism and Islam would be assumed divergently under western universalism. Comparatively, western identity in “Asian Values” presents more indirect universality when discussing a friendly Confucianism and a threatening Islam simultaneously yet separately. In the “Clash of Civilizations” covered with affirmative universalism and west-centralism, the narrators would easily achieve the integrality of “a new west” by ignoring the heterogeneity between Confucianism and Islam and combining them as a threatening alliance. As a result that the universal identity of western civilization depends on how western narrators manipulate the interrelations between itself and the others (Confucianism and Islam), revealing the “Simultaneous yet Separate” narrative strategies would become the main purpose of this paper. Furthermore, the western narrators complying with universal identity would be deconstructed equally to the narrated object.


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