  • 學位論文


The Dancesport Business Model

指導教授 : 江炯聰


運動舞蹈的本質將「愛情和求偶行為」表現的「既直白又優雅」、並能精準詮釋兩性之外的「各式戲劇張力」和「現場氛圍感染力」,使得「運動舞蹈魅力」呈現多層次且豐富的樣貌,導致近年來運動舞蹈無論是作為一個表演藝術、運動或是娛樂產業,愈來愈受到明星名人、電視媒體和社會大眾的歡迎。此外,由於運動舞蹈的動作強調「以一對男女舞者為演出單位」、具有「男性領導、女性跟隨」的基本設計、演出時「不分台上台下」且「沒有特定表演面向」,並且特別注重一對舞伴對外的「表演性」,使得運動舞蹈具有更強的社交性。 本論文首先整理運動舞蹈由第三世界傳至西方社會的發展里程碑,並分述在英國和美國不同背景下,競賽及舞蹈教室這兩個運動舞蹈載體的現況;同時經由藝術觀點和運動觀點的分析,檢視運動舞蹈由1997年作為準奧運競賽項目後、升格為正式項目的困難點,再佐以2010年廣州亞運的競賽結果,以此凸顯運動舞蹈競賽評判機制難以客觀的原因;爾後分別說明競賽、演出和舞蹈教室的產業運作模式,再點出獎金和演出酬勞過低的缺點,並依據舞蹈教室建立商業模式和進行策略分析;最後則透過美國的亞曼瑞舞蹈集團以及台灣的朱宗慶打擊樂團隊作為參考分析的個案。 就此,本論文整理出運動舞蹈發展脈絡,以作為舞蹈創作和商業創意的原動力;並歸納運動舞蹈作為一「娛樂」,該「魅力體驗」產生的流程和價值傳遞方式;最後找出運動舞蹈的商業模式和未來發展方向,作為業內人士及管理團隊一經營架構與規劃建議。


Dancesport expresses the love and courtship explicitly and elegantly. In hence, generated a unique “dancesport glamour” with multi-level and richness. The nature of dancesport emphasizes “a binary sex partnership”, “explicit gender role”, ”masculinity and femininity”, and “performative”. In other words, the well-rehearsed and choreographed performance is in order to make the audience and judges experience the seduction between the dance couples. This is why the dancesport become much more popular among celebrity, media and general public. This paper is based on the so-called “dancesport glamour” and the “dancesport experience”. Issues analyzed include: the dancesport historical review, how the “UK competition” and “US dance studio” influenced the whole industry fundamentally, why the Olympic can not take dancesport as a formal Event, how does the competition and studio operated in dancesport industry, what is dancesport business model and its KSF through the lifecycle, the critical of success learned from Arthur Murray International Inc. and Ju Percussion Group. This paper summarized the core of dancesport as the driving forces for dance creation and business ideas. Also, described how the dancesport experience be created and delivered to the customers. Finally, the paper identified the dancesport business model and strategies as a recommended future roadmap for the management.


Juliet McMains, Glamour Addiction:Inside the American Ballroom Dance Industry,
Jonathan S. Marion, Ballroom:Culture and Costume in Competitive Dance, Berg,
Harold L. Vogel, Entertainment Industry Economics – A Guide for Financial Analysis,
for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, 2010.
Robert M. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, seven edition(Text Edition), John


