  • 學位論文

供應商因應關鍵客戶採購策略調整之研究 -以體育用品製造商J公司為例

Research of Supplier’s Policy Based on The Adjustment of Purchase Strategy by Key Accounts - A Case Study on J Sports Company

指導教授 : 謝明慧
共同指導教授 : 柯承恩(Cheng-En Ko)


關鍵客戶管理的目的在於有效地推動客戶分級管理,使企業以較有效率且較具成本概念的方法提供不同類型客戶差異化的服務方法與品質,以提升企業獲利。2008年金融海嘯造成美國金融體系崩潰,帶來連鎖衝擊,一連串銀行、企業倒閉、關廠聲浪,隨之而來的是龐大的失業潮及消費緊縮,嚴重影響實體經濟。許多台商的關鍵客戶紛紛進行各種策略性的架構重組、組織調整等方案,而調整採購策略亦為其中一環,骨牌效應對台灣的製造業造成了直接衝擊。 企業在面臨如此環境變革時如何因應?面對金融海嘯造成的全球經濟衰退要如何調整經營策略?本文將以個案研究之方式,從台商在面對關鍵客戶採購策略調整時之因應模式切入探討。


The purpose of key accounts management is helping a company to classify its customers by different grades effectively. The company could provide different services and products with more cost related concepts and means to increase profits. The financial crisis of 2008 made a great impact on the global financial system, a lot of enterprises collapsed and many people were out of work. The economy was in a slump for a long time. Global enterprises reorganized business structure and made up different purchase strategy, which influenced the manufacturers invested by Taiwanese. How to reactive based on the adjustment of purchase strategy by key accounts? How to face the financial crisis of 2008? In this paper, a case study on a manufacturer invested by Taiwanese will explore some policies and strategies.


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2. 吳萬益,企業研究方法,華泰文化事業股份有限公司,民 94 年。
3. 黃銘章,影響代工供應商與顧客間夥伴關係因素之研究,政治大學企業管理學博士論文,民 90 年。
4. 張川裕,關鍵客戶管理之研究,臺北大學企業管理學研究所碩士論文,民國 92 年。
