  • 學位論文


Establishment of Cherry Blossoming Model in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


本研究在全台12個賞櫻景點,進行人工物候監測研究,建立櫻花監測情報網,並配合氣象接收儀器(hobo ware),感測櫻花所在地點之微氣候變化,利用所測得之氣象資料配合物候監測紀錄進行櫻花開花物候模式之建立。櫻花已為目前大多數遊樂景點所栽植之樹種,但因各地環境狀況不同,故開花時間各自有別,近年更因為全球暖化的影響,導致櫻花花期有所變化,更令經營單位無法充分掌握櫻花之物候變化,故本研究利用物候監測方式配合氣象儀器接收各地之氣候變化,以植物生長發育之主要之環境影響因素—溫度,利用積溫之概念,以Chuine et al.(1999)物候模式(degree-hrs model or degree-days model)來推估開花所需的熱量累積條件,建立櫻花開花物候模式,未來能配合各地區觀光資源,建立櫻花預報網站,提供國人旅遊賞櫻情報。


物候模式 開花 櫻花 環境監測 溫度


This research focuses on the study about manual Phenological monitor in twelve spots of cherry blossoms around Taiwan, establishing monitoring website of cherry blossoms. The website also in accordance with hobo ware in order to response and measure the microclimate variation of cherry blossoms spots. It can therefore establish Phenological models of cherry blossoming by implementing the measured meteorological data and Phenological monitoring records. Cherry blossoms have already become the breed to plant for most entertaining parks and sightseeing locations. However, due to individual environmental surroundings, cherry trees blossom differently. The influence of global warming in recent years also results in variation of blossoming, failing the operating organizations to fully capture the Phenological changes in cherry blossoms. Hence, this research would combine the method of Phenological monitor with meteorological instruments, so to receive and implement meteorological variation of individual places, temperature - the most crucial environmental factor for plant growth, the concepts of accumulated temperature as well as Degree-hrs Model or Degree-days Model by Chuine et al. (1999). The purposes are to calculate and estimate the conditions of accumulated warmth in blossoming, building up the Phenological model of cherry blossoms. In the future, this research could comply with sightseeing resources in various areas and websites of blossoming prediction, providing people in Taiwan information about tours related to cherry blossoms.


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