  • 學位論文


Case Study of the First BOT Social Housing Project in Taiwan-The Young Man Social Housing Project In New Taipei City

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


2011年6月行政院核定「社會住宅短期實施方案」,以台北都會區優先試辦,並選定臺北市2處(萬華青年段、松山寶清段)及新北市3處(三重大同南段、同安厝小段及中和秀峰段)共5處為示範基地。但社會住宅興辦所需之資金、土地及日後維護管理營運等皆是政府前所未面臨課題,實有必要促進民間資金及技術共同參與來興建社會住宅。上開5處示範基地,其中新北市3處為我國首例以促進民間參與方式(BOT)來辦理。本研究乃為全國第一例新北市青年社會住宅興建營運轉案為研究對象,探究其如何完成民間參與、特許年限為何,以及財務如何取得平衡等進行探究,並提出2個建議供主管機關參卓,以實踐2016年總統蔡英文宣示,4年內辦8萬戶,8年辦理20萬戶的社會住宅目標。 研究發現新北市青年社會住宅興建營運移轉案經兩次招商,第一次以特許年限50+20年、股東權益報酬率8%,地租以1%、所興建之社會住宅全數以市價八折出租,因無附屬事業可供經營,對於投資廠商而言財務回收困難以致無廠商投標而流標。第二次參採建言股東權益報酬率提高至10%,另增加30%附屬事業供其投資廠商自行運用才順利標出,惟過去有諸多促參案有附屬事業大於主體事業之情形,造成民眾觀感不佳,故建議內政部可研議訂定社會住宅以促參法辦理時之附屬事業之範圍、主體事業與附屬事業投資比例等規範,讓地方政府有所遵循,創造三贏。


In June 2011, the Executive Yuan approved "the social residential short-term implementation program". Taipei metropolitan area as a pilot project, and set 5 demonstration sites. (3 sites at Taipei city with BOT, 2 sites at New Taipei City) Building social housing need to be faced with subjects of funds、lands and maintenance operations, and necessary to combined with local funds and technique. In this paper, we mainly discuss the first Young Social Housing BOT project at New Taipei City. Study subjects of the participation of private institutions, BOT project life time, and financial balance. It also proposes two recommendations for the participation of competent authorities. In order to implement the 2016 President Cai Yingwen’s declaration of Social Housing that manage 200,000 households within 8 years, and manage 80,000 households within 4 years. The study found that the Social Housing BOT project in New Taipei City was public bidding twice. Tender conditions of first bidding: 50 years of franchise, return of equity(ROE) was 8%, land rent was 1% and 20% off market price of rent. For rent, because there is no subsidiary business for business, it is difficult for the investment company to recover financially, so that no manufacturer bids to bid. The different between these two bidding was upgrade the ROE to 10%, and an additional 30% of the subsidiary business was used for its investment companies to use it. After that, the bid was succeed. In the past, there were too many BOT projects that subsidiary business was larger than the main business. It may cause poor perception. It is suggested that the Interior Ministry can enacting and improving rules and regulations of the ratio of subsidiary business and main business of the Social Housing Law, and let the local government follow and create a win-win situation.


2.朱立倫, 「捷運三環三線執行情形、新北市社會住宅政策」專案報告<新北市議會第1屆第16次臨時會>(2014)
