  • 學位論文


Changes in the behavior of legislators running for county mayor

指導教授 : 王宏文


立法委員的目的有追求連任,制定好的政策,及謀求可能的升遷,惟過去研究比較少探討若立委的目的是想要謀求升遷時,其行動會有什麼樣的變化?在過去我國立法委員的生涯發展中,常見很多立委的下一步規劃是競選縣市首長,因此,本文想要探討曾經參選過縣市長的立委,他們的提案行為會產生什麼樣的變化? 立法委員的行為主要分為立法問政與選區服務兩類。立法問政行為包括:提案、發言、表決等。這些行為有助於立委提升知名度並向選民宣揚自己的功勞,如此可以獲得選民的青睞同時有助於其連任。但因為委員的時間、資源都是有限的,過去研究也顯示立委可能會比較偏向選區服務,主要原因可能是因為選區服務可能比較有利於委員的連任。此外,立委在立法問政行為上,也會有一些策略性的作法,但如果立委的下一步生涯規劃不是連任,而是想要競選縣市首長,則他的立法問政行為,特別是在提案行為上,會有什麼樣的改變? 為了瞭解曾經參選縣市長立委的提案行為變化,本研究訪談立法委員助理,以了解立法委員及其團隊如何在有限資源下,規劃其提案行為?其組織與運作方式為何?特別是若立委有意往縣市長發展,則他們對於提案行為上的規劃為何?同時,筆者挑選第七屆(含)選制改革後,至少連續擔任兩屆以上的資深立法委員作為分析的樣本,然後針對曾經參與2014年或2018年縣市長的黨內初選或大選者,分析他們在每一個會期中提案的數目及所屬的政策議題,然後與未參選過的資深委員比較,以檢視其是否有一定的趨勢與偏好。本研究將使用國際通用的Comparative Agendas Projects(CAP)編碼表來進行立法委員提案的政策議題分類。 在訪談結果方面,在面臨「選區服務」、「立法問政」兩項工作的取捨時,多數委員及其團隊會將重心放在選區中,因選區仍是選票的來源,也是將來繼續競選連任的重要因子。在立法提案的規劃、選擇,則可能受到委員及助理專業、選區需求、外部團體需求、相關社會議題等影響,進而影響立法提案的時程、數量、內容。同時,若委員有意參選縣市長,則會盡可能地增加選區的經營力道,甚至是跨選區經營,並增加選區的助理團隊人力。相對而言,在立法提案上的關注程度則可能較參選縣市長前有所減少。 同樣地,在提案數目、內容的探討的結果方面,多數參選縣市長之資深立法委員,在宣布參選後的當屆立委任內,其提案數目會有所減少,同時提案所屬的政策領域亦有所縮減。提案減少的同時,委員提案中「自主提案」的比例降低、「提對案」的比例則有所上升,應與其將人力、時間、資源轉往縣市長選區的經營有關。


Purposes of a legislator are standing for re-election, making good laws and seeking promotions, but fewer studies in the past discussed if a legislator intended to seek a higher position, how his or her behaviors would change. In the past, many legislators in Taiwan commonly had further career plans to run for county mayor. Therefore, in the article, the author wants to discuss what changes will happen to legislators' behaviors of bill proposing if they run for county mayor. Legislators’ behaviors are mainly divided into legislative work and constituency service. Legislative work includes: bill proposing, giving speeches, voting etc. These are helpful for legislators to raise their recognition and to propagate their credits to voters, so that they could win voters’ favor, which benefits their re-election. However, legislators have limited time and resources. Studies in the past also suggested that legislators might prefer offering constituency service mainly due to constituency service likely leading to legislators’ re-election. Besides, legislators have strategies for their legislative work; however, if legislators have further career plans for running for county mayor but not for re-election, what changes will be in their behaviors of legislative work, especially in those of bill proposing? To understand the changes in the behaviors of bill proposing of the legislators who had run for county mayor, the author interviewed their legislative assistants to understand how these legislators and their teams made proposals with limited resources, and how they functioned. Especially if the legislators aimed for the positions of county mayor, how did they make their proposals? Meanwhile, the author selected the senior legislators who had served at least two consecutive terms after the seventh election reform as the samples. Based on those who had participated in the primary election or general election of county mayor in 2014 or in 2018, we analyzed the number of their proposals in each session and the issues these proposals belonged to. Afterwards, we compared these legislators with those who hadn’t run for county mayor to examine whether the two groups had certain tendencies and preferences. The author used Comparative Agendas Projects(CAP), an international coding scheme, to classify the legislative issues. According to the interviews, when facing a trade-off between “constituency service” and “legislative work,” most of the legislators and their teams focus more on their constituency service because the constituencies are their strongholds and also the key to their future re-elections. The bill proposing is likely influenced by professions of the legislators and their assistants, constituency demands, out-group demands, related social issues and so on, which further influence the schedule, number and contents of their legislative bills. Meanwhile, if legislators intend to run for county mayor, they will offer as more constituency service as possible or even offer constituency service for others' constituents, and increase headcount of their election teams. Relatively speaking, their concerns for proposing legislative bills may be less than those before they run for county mayor. Likewise, according to the number and contents of their proposals, most of the senior legislators submit fewer proposals after their declaration of candidacy during their tenure, and meanwhile the policy domain their proposals concern also reduce. While they make fewer proposals, the rate of “autonomous proposal” also declines while the rate of “proposal based on the executive branch's proposal” rises relatively. This may result from them reallocating their manpower, time, resources to their constituency service.


