  • 學位論文


Crisis Management for National Infection Control System from the Experience of SARS and H5N2 Avian Influenza Outbreak

指導教授 : 陳俊忠
共同指導教授 : 黃崇興(Chung-Hsing Huang)


SARS與H5N2禽流感同樣是令人聞之膽顫之傳染病,SARS是個已經發生且讓人印象深刻的世界級災難,雖然所造成的死亡人數沒有因為愛滋病所造成的那麼多,但是,所帶來的人民恐慌與經濟損失,卻遠比戰爭還令人害怕;H5N2是個隨時都可能發生、不知其後果之嚴重性的迷一般的傳染病,但其共同點是兩類病毒皆與動物有關。 防疫如同作戰,稍一不慎就有可能毀滅整個國家乃至整個世界;如何做好國家防疫系統的結構與流程的準備,以應付隨時可能發生在你我身邊的疫災,是一個嚴肅而重要的課題。衛生是一種專業,不容以政治手段操弄,才不致於造成民眾恐慌而無所適從,平時各部會乃至各級行政機關皆應有危機意識,隨時做好疫災的風險分析,隨時透過各種管道,包括媒體與專家討論會來教育民眾,並時常做好國際疫災資訊之溝通,並與媒體及國會議員,乃至地方民意代表等建立良好而通暢的溝通管道,才是應付疫災的最佳之道。疫災的控制不能靠個人英雄主義來解決,而是靠團隊的努力合作方能成功。 專責組織的建構與組織成員的定期教育訓練很重要,不適宜的法令也宜隨時修改,各種疫災之危機處理的標準作業程序必須隨時討論與修正,部會之間如何合作也宜趁著行政院組織再造的關鍵時刻進行溝通建置。面對中國大陸政治因素的困擾,與世界衛生組織間的關係存在某種程度的困難,我們有信心成功仍然操之在我。團結與團隊合作是防疫系統危機處理的成功關鍵因素。


Both SARS and H5N2 avian influenza are terrible infectious diseases. SARS is a national and worldwide disaster. Although SARS caused deaths less than those caused by AIDS, it is more terrible than AIDS. H5N2 influenza could be present at anytime, the subsequent effects of its attack is unknown. Both SARS and H5N2 influenza are related to animals. Infection control is like a war, infectious disease can ruin a whole world if we are not careful. It is a serious and important issue to prepare structures and procedures for infection control before it attacks. Health issue should not be manipulated by political methods. It is important to make risk analysis for infectious diseases outbreak and educate people through media and expertise conference, to make an international communication about infectious disasters, to construct an appropriate relationship with congress and local council. A special team should be set up for infection control. It is important to educate and train the group regularly, to update the rules for infection control, to discuss and modify the standard procedures for the execution of the procedures of infection control, and to set a communication mechanism between different ministries. Facing the interference of Mainland China we are difficult to construct relationship with the World Health Organization. We still have confidence. Team work and cooperation is a key factor for the success of infection control.


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