  • 學位論文

臺灣政治性營隊對青年政治認同與參與的影響 ——以2008年後四個臺灣政治性營隊為例

The Youth Political Camps’ Influence On Young Taiwanese’s Political Identity and Political Participation ——Taking Four Camps After The Year Of 2008 For Instance

指導教授 : 陳明通




Young people are the future of Taiwan. Since the year of 1949, the KMT government and other Parties (like the DPP, the PFP) or organizations have held lots of youth political camps and established many youth organizations to control or nurture young people in Taiwan. This paper takes four youth political camps since 2008 for instance to find what their influence on young people’s political identity and participation are. The author deeply interviewed 20 young Taiwan people who have taken part in one of the four camps in 2014-2015.The paper find that ① The youth political camps can hardly attract young people whose political identity is different from the camp it self’s political group. ②The four camps’ lessons and activities can add more than a half of the interviewees original political identity and motive them to participate in political activities.③ The pan-blue’s political camps’ ability to recruit young people who have taken part in the camp to political enterprise is not as good as the pan-green’s political camps.


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