  • 學位論文

由大陸到臺灣 ——李曼瑰劇作與風格轉變研究

From the Mainland to Taiwan: A Research on the Transition of Man-gui Li’s Drama Style

指導教授 : 黃美娥


本文以劇作家李曼瑰來臺前後劇作風格為研究對象,結合她由大陸到臺灣的人生軌跡,探討其整體劇作風格的轉變。筆者以大陸與臺灣的空間與時間上的轉變為線索,對李氏不同時期的劇本創作進行了分析與討論。李曼瑰於三〇年代燕大求學期間創作的獨幕「社會劇」,關照了社會現實,戲劇結構上較為簡單,整體呈現「寫實主義」的風格;進入四〇年代後,由於李氏開始從事大陸國統區婦女運動相關工作,她對中國婦女解放理論展開思考的同時,創作了數部多幕「女性劇」,塑造了諸多典型女性人物形象,劇作仍展現「寫實主義」的風格。李氏對女性問題的關注與其女性劇作家的獨特風格,使其成為該時期國統區文學中不可忽視的一部分。1949年來臺後,李曼瑰受任反共文藝政治宣傳相關工作,由於對婦女運動工作的遠離,李氏的主要戲劇創作類型由「女性劇」轉向了「歷史劇」,她以史實作為依託,實際劇作內容上卻反映時代社會的大背景,體現了她對現實的關懷。風格上呈現由「寫實主義」向「象徵主義」的探索。六〇年代期間,李曼瑰亦著眼於臺灣社會,創作了兩部「社會劇」,劇作風格上展現了對「寫實主義」的復歸。進入七〇年代後,李曼瑰延續了歷史劇創作,此時的劇作展現出浪漫抒情的風格。 以上,本文透過梳理李曼瑰人生經歷與戲劇創作軌跡,建構其由大陸到臺灣的創作風貌。一方面,在時間與空間的轉變上,考察她在劇本創作與理論研究方面量與類的變化;另一方面,則著重探討李氏來臺前後劇作風格所發生的轉變,進而找尋其在兩岸戲劇史中的位置,由此折射出大陸與臺灣現代戲劇的交流與相互影響。


李曼瑰 劇作風格 轉變 歷史劇 女性劇


This thesis focus on the transition of Man-gui Li’s drama style from Mainland China to Taiwan. The author analyzes and discusses the writing of Lee's different periods in the space and time of the mainland and Taiwan. In 1930s, Man-gui Li's "social drama", which has reflected the social reality, the structure of the drama was relatively simple, and the overall style of "realism" was presented. In the 1940s, engaged in the aprovement of women’s liberation in the Kuomintang District, she started thinking about the theory of women's emancipation in China at the same time, and created a number of multi-screen "female drama". She creating a number of typical female characters, and the drama still reflects the "realism" style. Man-gui Li 's concern about women' s issues and her unique style of female dramatists make it a part of the literature in the Kuomintang area. After the coming of Taiwan in 1949, Man-gui Li was appointed to political job of Kuomingtang. She stopped creating "female dramas", and soon turned to "historical dramas". These dramas were based on historical facts. But its content reflected the background of the era of society, and reflected her concern for the reality. Her drama style change from the "realism" to "symbolism". During the 1960s, Mangui-Li also focused on Taiwan society, created two "social dramas", and her drama style to show the return of the"realism". After entering the 1970s, Man-gui Li continued the creation of “historical drama”, this time the play shows the romantic lyrical style. Above, this article combined the life experience of Man-gui Li, to construct its creative style from the mainland to Taiwan. On the one hand, in the transformation of time and space, examine her in the script creation and theoretical research on the amount and class changes; the other hand, it focuses on Li's style of play before and after the change, and then find its cross The history of drama in the position, which reflects the mainland and Taiwan's modern drama exchanges and mutual influence.


