  • 學位論文


Farmers’ Preferences on Contract Farming in Tilapia and Milkfish Aquacultural Industries

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


養殖漁業是近年蓬勃發展的產業,在海洋資源逐漸枯竭時扮演重要角色,我國養殖漁業佔整體漁業總產量約25%、總產值約40%,其重要性不言可喻,加上養殖漁業是未來趨勢,如何穩定養殖漁戶收入相當重要。隨著養殖漁業的發展,產業垂直整合是主流趨勢。契作是農業垂直整合手段之一,有助於契作商穩定貨源、農民減少市場風險,讓整體生產流程更加穩定,有利於產業發展。 我國農業雖有些許契作案例,養殖漁業契作情形卻相當少見,原因為何實有必要深究,此外也應瞭解養殖漁戶參加契作之意向。在我國眾多養殖魚種中,吳郭魚及虱目魚為我國目前魚類養殖中養殖面積、產量及漁戶數最多者,據漁業署年報顯示,2016年我國養殖面積虱目魚約10,000公頃、吳郭魚約4,800公頃,合計占總養殖面積約33%;養殖產量虱目魚約45,000公噸、吳郭魚約63,000公噸,合計占總養殖產量約42%;養殖漁戶數吳郭魚約3,200戶、虱目魚約5,700戶,合計占總養殖戶數約23%。故以此兩大主力養殖魚種-吳郭魚、虱目魚作為研究標的,透過問卷及訪談方式,配合選擇實驗,分析我國養殖漁戶對契作認知以及偏好,以了解問題所在並嘗試提出解決之道。 實證結果顯示,基於養殖漁業本身有不易監控養殖情況的特性,容易發生無法如期交出符合規格的漁獲問題,是一問題所在;此外普遍而言養殖戶雖有意願參加契作,但對契作商之誠信及契約是否能確實執行,多半抱有疑慮,反映於實證結果上,養殖戶對於正式契約、以農漁會為對象契作、較高額訂金有顯著偏好。


養殖漁業 吳郭魚 虱目魚 契作 選擇實驗


Aquaculture industry grows rapidly in the recent decades, and becomes very important due to the depletion of nature fishery resources. Large scale and vertical integration is needed for the industry to make the supply chain of aquaculture products to produce in a more efficient way. Contract farming is one of the common way to enhance the proceed of vertical integration, which has been applied in several agricultural industries such as rice, broiler, dairy and so on. Aquaculture industry contributed about 25% of total fishery quantity produced and 40% of total fishery value in Taiwan, showing its crucial role in Taiwans fishery sector. However, the industry is still at developing stage and lack of vertical integration will hinder the speed of development. This study aims to find out the reasons why contracting is rare in Taiwan’s aquaculture industry, and analyze preferences on contract farming among the fish farmers. Tilapia and Milkfish farmers are chosen for their significant in Taiwan’s aquaculture. To analyze the preferences, a discrete choice model was imployed in this study. Our findings suggest that fish farmers have significant preferences on formal contract, trustable partners, and high cash deposits. Due to the difficulty of monitoring, it is hard to guarantee the quality and quantity of fish products, which in turns hinder the willingness of buyers to sign contracts. More over, trust between firms and farmers cannot be easily built up under such situation, as fish farmers often worry about the reliability of the contract.


