  • 學位論文


Handedness in Non-clinical Populations: Secular Trend, Relations to Schizotypy, and Heritability

指導教授 : 陳為堅


第一部分:非臨床族群之慣用手分析:世代趨勢及其與精神分裂病質之關係 目的:本研究目的是以在台灣地區具代表性的在學學生和社區成人為樣本,評估量性測量下慣用手是否有世代趨勢及檢視慣用手與精神分裂病性人格特質之關係。 方法:在1993-1996年的北台灣地區,共有175位國小學生、1020位國中學生及342位年齡20至65歲的社區成人樣本被納入研究。每位參與研究者均填寫自我呈報問卷,包括慣用手問卷、精神分裂病性人格問卷(Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire)及知覺異常量表(Perceptual Aberration Scale)。以兩種方法來評估精神分裂病性人格和慣用手的關係。第一種方法,將精神分裂病性人格和慣用手當成是連續變項,然後以調整年齡、性別的皮爾森積差相關來進行檢定;第二種方法,將精神分裂病性人格和慣用手分組成分數較為極端的個案組及分數較不極端的對照組,依分組結果再各自與其慣用手或精神分裂病性人格的分數進行比較。 結果:不論在男性或女性均可發現有隨著年齡增加而有偏好使用右手的趨勢,而這種趨勢在年齡小於20歲和大於60歲尤其明顯。不論是以相關係數或個案對照比較法上均可發現精神分裂病性人格和慣用手之間有顯著的關係,特別是在知覺異常量表和認知-知覺異常因素(Cognitive-Perceptual Dysfunction)上。 結論:在較年輕的世代有增加偏好使用左手的世代趨勢。擁有精神分裂病性人格者在慣用手表現上會有不同於一般人典型右手的表現,特別是在具有精神分裂病性人格之正性症狀表現的人。本研究建議可能有共同的生物導因潛在於非典型大腦功能半側化和精神分裂病性人格之間。 第二部分:台灣地區青少年慣用手之雙胞胎分析 目的:本研究目的是以結構方程式模型建構的方法,評估台灣地區青少年雙胞胎以量性測量下慣用手表現之遺傳和環境貢獻度。另外,比較雙胞胎和單胞胎以檢視雙胞胎是否有不同於單胞胎之慣用手表現。 方法:在台北地區1994-1998年間,共納入就讀國中之321對雙胞胎、36對同性別手足和1020位單胞胎學生。所有樣本均給予填答慣用手之自我呈報問卷。雙胞胎之胎性鑑別是以合併基因定型檢驗(DNA typing)及身體相似性問卷。以Mx軟體進行包含線性遺傳(A)、共享環境(C)和非共享環境(E)因素的飽和模式及一系列之簡化模式之參數估計,並同時將慣用手資料視為連續型或類別型資料納入分析。 結果:雙胞胎之慣用手表現與單胞胎並無不同。飽和模式下,在遺傳率估計慣用手的方向性和一致性是不顯著的。在儉約的AE模式下,線性遺傳的貢獻度在連續型方法為16%(方向性)及23%(一致性);在類別型方法為34%(方向性)、10%(一致性)。相對應儉約的CE模式下,共享環境的貢獻度在連續型方法為15%(方向性)及20%(一致性);在類別型方法為32%(方向性)、11%(一致性)。AE和CE模式對於資料的適合度都同樣的可被接受,但是若以AIC(Akaike’s information criteria)為依據則最儉約模式應為CE模式。 結論:比較青少年雙胞胎及單胞胎慣用手發現雙胞胎沒有不同於單胞胎之慣用手表現。在青少年雙胞胎以自我呈報問卷評估之慣用手分析顯示非本質上的遺傳性。解釋青少年慣用手的變化最為重要的是環境因素,特別是在手足間非共享的環境。


Part I: Handedness in Non-clinical Populations: Secular Trend and Relations to Schizotypy Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate whether there was a secular trend in quantitatively measured handedness and the relations between handedness and schizotypal personality features among representative samples of community adults and school students in Taiwan. Methods: A total of 175 primary school students, 1020 junior high school students, and 342 adult subjects aged 20 to 65 years were recruited in northern Taiwan during the period of 1993-1996. Subjects completed self-reported questionnaires, including the handedness questionnaire, the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ), and Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS). The relations between schizotypal personality and handedness were evaluated in two approaches. In the first approach, both schizotypal personality and handedness were assumed to be continuous variables and partial Pearson product moment correlations between the two were calculated with adjustment for age and sex. In the second approach, both schizotypal personality and handedness were grouped into subjects with extreme scores and controls with nondeviant scores. Both groups were then compared for their handedness or schizotypal personality, respectively. Results: Both females and males were found to have a trend of increasing age with a more degree toward right-handedness, and the changes became more obvious either before age 20 or after age 60 years. Schizotypal personality features and handedness were significantly associated as revealed by both the correlation analyses and case-control comparisons, especially for the PAS and Cognitive-Perceptual Dysfunction. Conclusions: A clear secular trend of increasing left-handedness among younger generations was found. Schizotypal subjects, especially those with the positive aspect of schizotypy, would be more likely to be away from the right-handedness. The results suggest that there might be a common biological cause underlying the atypical cerebral lateralization and schizotypal personality features. Part II: A Twin Study of Handedness among Adolescents in Taiwan Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the genetic and environmental contributions to quantitatively measured handedness among adolescent twins in Taiwan with the use of structural equation modeling. Furthermore, whether twining might influence handedness was assessed by comparing twins and singletons. Methods: A total of 321 pairs of twins, 36 same-sex sib-pairs, and 1020 singleton subjects were recruited from the junior high schools in Taipei during the period of 1994 to 1998. All subjects completed the self-reported handedness questionnaire. Twins’ zygosity was determined by a combination of DNA typing and physical similarity. The Mx program was used to estimate parameters for a full model that contains effects from additive genes (A), shared environment (C), and nonshared environment (E) and a series of reduced model by treating the handedness either as a continuous or categorical variable. Results: The twins did not have a distribution in handedness different from that of the singletons. For both the directional and the consistent handedness, the estimates from the full model ACE indicated no evidence of heritability. When the model was reduced to AE, the contribution from additive genes was estimated to be 16% (direction) and 23% (consistency) for continuous approach and 34% (direction) and 10% (consistency) for categorical approach. The corresponding estimates for the contribution from shared environment in the CE model were 15% (direction) and 20% (consistency) for continuous approach and 32% (direction) and 11% (consistency) for categorical approach. Both the AE and the CE model had an acceptable fit to the data, but the CE model tended to be more parsimonious in terms of Akaike’s information criteria. Conclusions: Twining did not lead to an increased left-handedness in adolescent twins as compared with singletons. Handedness in adolescent twins assessed by the self-reported questionnaire is not substantially heritable. Environmental factors, especially those not shared between siblings, are the most important ones for explaining the variations in adolescent handedness.


Heritability handedness Schizotypy Secular Trend


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